Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tooth Fairy Blues and Other Schenanigans

We had our first meeting for Beatle's Upward Basketball team. (Brent and I are the coaches and Birdie will be a mute ref riding on Brent's back in the backpack, I suppose.) At the meeting, all of the Kindergarten players got their uniforms. They are the cutest little rag-tag group of toothless players. I suspect that like Beatle many of them jumped into their uniforms the moment they got home and didn't take it off for about 24 hours. Beatle ate in hers, slept in it, the whole nine yards. Cute! First practice is Saturday morning.

Beatle lost a tooth last night! Her first one, the dentist pulled so this was pretty big. She had worked it out mostly; it just needed a finishing tug from me. I am quite sure I am the loudest tooth fairy ever. The girl's room is so messy (she's an artistic type) ;) that the thing's darn-near booby trapped. There were pencils on the floor, toys everywhere and the curtains on her bottom bunk were drawn. She's got about 85 pillows in bed with her and of course she switched where she originally put the tooth. I had done a kettle bell workout the night before with a fitness instructor that I swear is bent on killing me so I'm dying as I'm squatting and reaching under all 85 pillows. I finally had to go get a flashlight and try again. Finally! Eureaka! The tooth! All the while, I'm wondering why we parents go to such great lengths for this stuff. And that notion was only compounded when she seemed unimpressed by the dollar under her pillow; thinking she should have gotten two since this was the second tooth she lost. Kids these days, right?

Timing is everything, isn't it? Birdie will kiss these days but it's usually open-mouthed and she goes for the nose. My mom had no idea what was going on when Birdie leaned in for a smooch at Christmas. Beatle was hanging upside down from the recliner so Birdie walked over, leaned down and gave Beatle a kiss on the nose. We laughed and a few minutes later, Beatle flipped over again and Birdie came over to do the same thing. Right when she had her lips wrapped around Beatle's upturned nose, she spit up. It went all in Beatle's nose, up her forehead and into her hair. Beatle freaks--she's screaming, laughing, snorting and dry-heaving all at the same time. I was laughing hysterically and trying to get Beatle to at least the hardwood in case she totally lost her cookies. She held it together--BARELY. All the while, Birdie's just looking at us like, "What?"

We are officially a foster home, we just lack foster kids. :) Our case worker came late last week for our final walk through and got us all revved up when she said she could have brought children with her that night. We were kind of in a daze and thought this was going to move at mach-speed but it's been a week and...nothing. So, I guess we're just waiting for the right child--still bathing this all in prayer but technically, it could be any day, I suppose.

We have so much to celebrate this weekend! Both sides of the family are coming down to party with us and we couldn't be more excited! We will be celebrating Birdie's 1st Birthday Saturday night!!! And then, Beatle gets baptized on Sunday so we will celebrate that Sunday afternoon!!! On my friend Amanda's Christmas Card, they included a verse found in Psalms 126:3, stating "The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with JOY!" As I meditated on that, I thought that was so fitting for our lives in general and especially when we have such great things to celebrate this weekend so Beatle and I put that on our glass door with window chalk! I'm pumped!!! Party on, Wayne!!! :)

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