Friday, August 19, 2011

Name Stealing and Accidental Face Kicking

What a ripper! I help teach the 3-year-old Sunday School class and I love those crazy kids but last week we had a visitor come in for "extended session" as I was leaving. The girl was on the arm of an old friend of ours; you see, when we moved to Hot Springs, we had two couples our age that became fast friends. One couple moved back to OK after a few months and the other couple (who had a daughter close to Beatle's age) got a divorce, sadly. As we found out, it's hard having friends that divorce and sometimes, even though we were relatively new friends, I still miss "them". I don't talk much to the wife anymore but we still bump into her every once in awhile but, without sounding like a weirdo, I really miss the husband. I didn't feel like it was ever appropriate though to send him cards, give him a call or email him as such. Brent tried to keep him hooked up with church but I think he just needed a fresh start at a new church. Anyways, I was SO excited to see him Sunday with his new fiancé and her daughter. He was holding her daughter who was obviously distressed about the new environment and was trying to soothe her by saying calming things like, "it's ok. Brendle, it's going to be alright." wait, wait, wait! I asked him, "wait. Like my Brendle??" he gave me a nonchalant "yeah" and went back to soothing her. I felt so ripped off!! I know we haven't trademarked her name yet but I've never heard of a little girl with that name, let alone, at our very church. How weird! And then, my paranoid wheels start turning because the little girl was MAYBE three (she came with a diaper bag and was acting so much younger than everyone else, the extended session teachers agreed she was probably in the wrong class). It made me wonder if this Hot Springs mom had heard Brendle's name within the first year of us being here and dubbed hers as such. I know, it's a stretch but it IS a small town. I think what hurt the worst was the fact that the daddy didn't even act like it was a big deal that we share that common bond, that he didn't even act like our families used to be close. He very well could have been preoccupied or maybe we just bring back bad memories, I'm not sure but it stung.

Moving right along, Beatle told us she's going to be famous for break dancing! We got a good laugh at that and, you know what, maybe she will and then who will be laughing??? :)

Her frienemy, M, "accidentally" kicked her in the face at their table and "accidentally" hit her that day too. Beatle says she made a big production about how it was an accident but Beatle felt quite sure it wasn't. I got upset about that and said, "yes, if it's just words, you need to ignore what she says and keep trying to show God's love but if it continues to be physical, you really need to talk to Mrs. S about it." Beatle said desperately, "she'll just say it was an accident." and to that, I retorted, "well, you need to just tell Mrs. S that Meyah needs help learning to control her body then because that's unacceptable." Beatle laughed a funny little laugh and I asked, "What?" She said, "well, you're usually such a Godly woman! I can't believe you're telling me to say this."

I'm going to leave it at that tonight. Night!

1 comment:

  1. have i ever told you how much i LOVE your blog?!?!? i do love your sweet brendle! she's the original. :)
