Monday, July 5, 2010

Boy, oh Girl!

Just ordered family pictures! Yay! We had these pictures taken some time ago...dare I say, the beginning of May? The photog took almost a month to edit and upload (she's semi-professional and has a day job and 4 kids so I can't really hold that against her) and then so many things were happening in our lives that I finally was able to sit down and get an order together with my mom and mother-in-law. I'm so excited to see them and have them hanging on my walls. We haven't had professional family pictures made since Beatle was 3.

I was reflecting back on pictures and the first professional pictures we had made when Beatle was 9 mos old, I dressed her just like a boy. She had no essence of girly-ness at all! I was inwardly totally offended when people remarked on what a cute boy she was when we were waiting to get them made at The Picture People. It was Christmas and I felt rushed to get them done. I knew that with my post-partum weight gain, I would be the hardest to clothe but inevitably waited until the last minute to figure out what I was going to wear and then built BR's and Beatle's outfits around mine. I was consumed with being match-y and Old Navy didn't have any hunter green dresses for girls so I got her a striped onesie, khakis, and converse looking shoes. I just grabbed what I could find literally minutes before our shoot. No bow, no frills, just boy clothes. We also had our dog in our pictures. Who are those people?!? I'm not all about the bows and frills now (I've just now started "playing" with Beatle's hair and teaching myself to French Braid or maybe it's just "Corrie Braid" because I could just be making up a new hairstyle) but I do try to let my girls look like little girls. Ha! And, definitely don't think I'll have a dog in my pictures ever again. I'm soooo ready to retire that old picture of us to the hallway and replace it with fresher version of the Roberts Fam. Some of our closest friends here didn't even recognize that was us! haha!

Well, I do have other things to blog about but it's late so I'll have to save it for another day! (I know you will all be waiting on pins and needles.) :)


  1. please post a picture of the picture in your hallway. please.

  2. I can't wait to see them! I remember when Justin saw that picture he preceded to say "Hey buddy" to Beatle. And I elbowed him. Hard.
