Hehe. So...I'm better. My last post was definitely emotional and it didn't help that later that first day the bus was 30 minutes late bringing my bay-bee home. I was ready to issue an Amber Alert but things are better now; we've settled into a groove. I'm enjoying my time at home with Birdie knowing that Beatle is safe and sound at school. Plus, BR is keeping me hopping with all types of home improvement projects. The man is relentless when he gets something in his head! I told him that he's like Noah--out back (or in my living room lately) constructing away and although I may ridicule or not understand him at the time, in the end, I'm going to wish I was on the boat. For instance, he constructed the entryway bench/cubbies of my dreams with just $60 and a spark of creativity--using an old door and a waterbed frame he found at the Restore. It's been good for me to do something consuming while we get settled in this new routine.
Got some funny stories for ya. School is always prime material for Beatle's antics and her take on things. The mascot for Hot Springs is the Black and Gold Trojans. In P.E. their first day, they learned a chant and she came home and wanted to show us. B's version went a little something like this: "Gol-den Ro-dents (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap) Gol-den Ro-dents" Hysterical! There's also a kid in her class with a non-contagious condition where he has blisters all over his skin. :( Some other kid in her class was asking (in a rude way), "What is that? Chicken Pox?" B said, "I was sooo mad at him! I thought, 'Boy, you say that one more time and I'm going to blow you up, twist you into a balloon animal and pop you.'" bahaha! Never heard of that in my life but what a visual! Yesterday, I was telling her how proud I was that she hasn't gotten her name under the "sad face" side of the board yet. Well, she informed me that I spoke too soon. She asked, "I didn't know that karate wasn't allowed at school, did you?" My daughter got in trouble for showing a boy her Spongebob karate moves. After more investigating, she was supposed to be doing something else but she still swears that karate is NOT allowed at school. I'll take her word for it.
Yesterday was a very exciting day. I've let Beatle ride the bus home and I've picked her up--both experiences weren't great but she still really likes riding the bus so I'm still letting her (much to her father and Aunt Becky's dismay). Yesterday, I greeted her when she got off the bus and she whispered to me that she had something to tell me but didn't want to hurt DJ's feelings (older boy across the street) so she would wait until we got inside. As soon as the door shut, she had quite the tale to tell--all wide-eyed with lots of hand movements, she told me that a boy started a fight with DJ while they were in the gym waiting to be put on the bus. She said she was minding her own business when she felt the bleachers shaking and she turned around and the scuffle was right behind her. I can't even begin to do it justice but it was the most hilarious story I've heard her tell in awhile. You could tell she was wildly excited by all of the commotion she had just witnessed. BR's response to the story, "And that is exactly why I don't want my daughter riding the bus." :)
One of the days I did pick Beatle up, she got right in the car and quickly announced that her school is "st-ri-ct". She wanted a drink before they went to sit outside and wait on us but they wouldn't let her, citing they didn't have time. One of her friends' older brothers (a scrawny 5th grader with an anxiety disorder whom we LOVE) saw Beatle pining after a drink and offered to quickly help her get one but couldn't lift her up. I still crack up at the image of him, weighing only about 15 lbs more, struggling and trembling to lift her up in a moment of kids trying to stick it to the man but alas, his poor biceps failed and the man won again but there were whispers of defiance and promises of a bottled water after school the following day.
Gosh, I have still so many stories but for another time, I suppose!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Where do I sign up to be a part of the "Those Moms" club?
"My baby, my bay-bee!" That's all I could think as I rolled around on the living room floor sobbing. What the h3ll has happened to me??? I NEVER thought I'd be one of those moms. The more ridiculous I thought I was being, the tighter my throat got and the more the hot tears spilled out onto my cheeks. The first day of Kindergarten...it's been coming for 5 years. She's gone to daycare and preschool on and off for those 5 years. Why is this so different??? I have my theories but can't pinpoint one exactly as the culprit. Is it that our life will need to be more structured? Or that the teaching staff won't cater to her like they would in a preschool? Maybe that she has to carry her own lunch tray and open her milk? Could it be that it's not the little, Christian daycare we picked? Or she's not downstairs from her dad or across campus from me anymore? Maybe that we're on track to those years where her friends and what they say will be more important than her mom and dad? As I type this one, the cry-ball in the back of my throat gets bigger, it could be that the years will just fly by now--being a blur of different backpacks, extracurricular activities, and new friends. In a matter of moments, she'll be out of the house leaving me with only her school knicknacks, award certificates and those goofey school pictures (that kids can't help but have as their giant adult teeth are growing in) to comfort me. Women with kids, just wait. It's one big friggin' day no matter how tough you think you are.
Here's the unemotional overview:
Beatle was nervous leading up to this morning. She woke up like a champ though and was ready to go. I wouldn't say she was "excited" but she knew the day was upon us. I made us blueberry muffins but as the morning raced past I realized that even when I allowed for more time on this momentus day, it still wasn't enough. I absolutely hated that we were rushing through this morning. I wanted to avoid that at all costs but Beatle, like her dad, is a little slow-moving and I should have prepared for more time. I quickly French braided the side of her hair and she slipped into her "Indian" dress that has a feather necklace and some new moccasins to compliment--she felt very ethnic and so proud of her new outfit. (She's SO into being 1/16 Creek Indian! In fact, when she tried this dress on at Penney's she was pretending to give autographs to her fellow Kindergarteners because she just knew that they would be so impressed. :) It only helped that when her Grandma was checking out, we saw a girl who had way more Indian blood in her buying the same dress. It sealed the deal!) When it was all said and done, we made it in time(ish) and I got all of the pictures I wanted but it was stressful (but I was just a ball of nerves anyways). She went and sat down in her class with no tears or hesitation. We stuck around for awhile (it was a family affair) but, I'm proud to say I wasn't the last parent to leave and acted really brave in front of Beatle. Now, we wait until 3:40. I'm letting her ride the bus home which BR and my mom aren't exactly supportive of that idea but she really, really wanted to and I thought that on the first day, they are going to make extra sure that the little ones get on the right but and sit at the front. Plus, surely everyone will be on pretty good behavior the first day. (Right???) Lastly, I think Beatle will realize that the bus is hot, stinky and not that much fun right off the bat and she'll be happy to be a car-rider from this point on. That's my logic anyways but my tummy's going to be filled with butterflies until I see her get off that bus!
Here's the unemotional overview:
Beatle was nervous leading up to this morning. She woke up like a champ though and was ready to go. I wouldn't say she was "excited" but she knew the day was upon us. I made us blueberry muffins but as the morning raced past I realized that even when I allowed for more time on this momentus day, it still wasn't enough. I absolutely hated that we were rushing through this morning. I wanted to avoid that at all costs but Beatle, like her dad, is a little slow-moving and I should have prepared for more time. I quickly French braided the side of her hair and she slipped into her "Indian" dress that has a feather necklace and some new moccasins to compliment--she felt very ethnic and so proud of her new outfit. (She's SO into being 1/16 Creek Indian! In fact, when she tried this dress on at Penney's she was pretending to give autographs to her fellow Kindergarteners because she just knew that they would be so impressed. :) It only helped that when her Grandma was checking out, we saw a girl who had way more Indian blood in her buying the same dress. It sealed the deal!) When it was all said and done, we made it in time(ish) and I got all of the pictures I wanted but it was stressful (but I was just a ball of nerves anyways). She went and sat down in her class with no tears or hesitation. We stuck around for awhile (it was a family affair) but, I'm proud to say I wasn't the last parent to leave and acted really brave in front of Beatle. Now, we wait until 3:40. I'm letting her ride the bus home which BR and my mom aren't exactly supportive of that idea but she really, really wanted to and I thought that on the first day, they are going to make extra sure that the little ones get on the right but and sit at the front. Plus, surely everyone will be on pretty good behavior the first day. (Right???) Lastly, I think Beatle will realize that the bus is hot, stinky and not that much fun right off the bat and she'll be happy to be a car-rider from this point on. That's my logic anyways but my tummy's going to be filled with butterflies until I see her get off that bus!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
A Kindergarten Group Picture and 32 Stitches Have What in Common?
This morning, a friend of ours hosted a Kindergarten Kickoff swim party at the Country Club. We were very excited to go...it's not everyday you get invited to something besides a birthday party! I love celebrating special moments in life! I got kind of choked up when they all got together for their group picture but not for the reason most mom's would. Obviously, it was a surreal moment when they got together just to notice how much they've grown since we moved here two summers ago but more than that, it made me think of my childhood. I grew up in the same house and went to the same school my whole life. Some of these parents will be showing this picture at their kids' Senior Slideshow or putting it in their Senior yearbooks. Will this group of kids be looking at this picture someday and be thinking to themselves about Beatle, "Who is that girl?"
We're obviously happy where we are at the moment and feel like we'll be here awhile but we have no guarantees that we'll be here until she graduates High School. It kind of broke my heart that, as much as I loved my childhood, I'm probably not going to be able to give the same thing to Beatle and Birdie.
I remember some seminary friends talking to us about how it was defintely a step in grieving, after they surrendered to become missionaries, that they would never have the ideal American, white-picket fence life for themselves and their future children. They adjusted to that idea and they have been in India for three years now. I just got an email from them referencing an incident where their toddler fell and gashed his head (32 stitches!) and they were waiting an impossibly long time in their car on the way to the hospital for a giant herd of goats to cross the road. Definitely not what she probably imagined her life to be like when she was growing up! When you are young though it's en vouge to be adventurous but as you get a little older and have kids most people slow down and want to plant roots. I feel like my heart walks a line in Hot Springs of planting roots here and knowing we might be called to uproot someday. I wished my heart could just let go, settle and connect 100%...maybe that is the reason why I got asked if I was happy a lot in OK. Maybe my family could just sense that in me...I don't know. Anyways, Thursday's the big day for Beatle. Tomorrow night is Open House. Exciting times in the life of the Robertses.
I feel like my last two blogs have been incessant ramblings because of all the interruptions I get while blogging! :) Even from BR when I do it at night. Oh well! Such is the life of a mother.
We're obviously happy where we are at the moment and feel like we'll be here awhile but we have no guarantees that we'll be here until she graduates High School. It kind of broke my heart that, as much as I loved my childhood, I'm probably not going to be able to give the same thing to Beatle and Birdie.
I remember some seminary friends talking to us about how it was defintely a step in grieving, after they surrendered to become missionaries, that they would never have the ideal American, white-picket fence life for themselves and their future children. They adjusted to that idea and they have been in India for three years now. I just got an email from them referencing an incident where their toddler fell and gashed his head (32 stitches!) and they were waiting an impossibly long time in their car on the way to the hospital for a giant herd of goats to cross the road. Definitely not what she probably imagined her life to be like when she was growing up! When you are young though it's en vouge to be adventurous but as you get a little older and have kids most people slow down and want to plant roots. I feel like my heart walks a line in Hot Springs of planting roots here and knowing we might be called to uproot someday. I wished my heart could just let go, settle and connect 100%...maybe that is the reason why I got asked if I was happy a lot in OK. Maybe my family could just sense that in me...I don't know. Anyways, Thursday's the big day for Beatle. Tomorrow night is Open House. Exciting times in the life of the Robertses.
I feel like my last two blogs have been incessant ramblings because of all the interruptions I get while blogging! :) Even from BR when I do it at night. Oh well! Such is the life of a mother.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Happy--It's a relative term, isn't it???
Just blew back into town from my wonderful 2 week playcation in Oklahoma. It was delightful! There's nothing like visiting familiar places, old friends and nutty family to give you a special warmth in your heart as only it can. Yes, I get warm fuzzies; however, as I reflect on the trip, I also see flashes of many different people asking me basically the same question, "Are you happy?"
Either I'm one of those sour-pussed Christians, a bad communicator, or really NOT happy for several different people who know me well to ask me that and I'd really like to be NONE of the things listed previously.
Each time I was asked it was like I was caught off-guard, not really knowing how to answer so I'm going to put my thoughts together more carefully than I did in person and answer here for my own sake.
"Corrie doesn't seem happy so I want to take her to dinner to find out if she's really happy." "Tell me why you're in Hot Springs. I need to know you are there for a reason. Are you happy there?"
"Yes! I am happy! Thank you for being concerned with my welfare but I am completely satisfied. I've never been this satisfied with myself actually and have been marveling in it recently. For the first time ever, I'm comfortable in my skin, LOVE what I'm doing day-in and day-out, and am generally happy with who I am and where I am. But, as a Christian, I know that life's not even about happiness. Nor is it all about being understood. It's so much bigger than that! I'd rather live my life faithful to the Most High King than be understood by family and friends as painful as that might be. When He says "Go", I wanna go no matter where. If life were all about my personal happiness, then I would be back in Oklahoma for good--dumping my kids off on my parents when the weekend came and whooping it up with my friends every bloody weekend. When I did a little dumping and whooping on my playcation, I didn't once think of anyone besides myself. Some people can minister close to home, but for me, my tendency is too selfish right now. I'd want to be self-serving instead of serving others.
With our life in Hot Springs, do I have everything that I want in this world? No, but I have everything I need and I count my blessings all the time. Do I get to do everthing I want to? No, but I know that exercising a little self-control is definitely something that I need practice at. Do I miss having family and friends around? Of course! But I'd like to think that our little family unit has grown closer, visits to home sweeter and made me more self-reliant. Do I act or talk like I used to? I hope not! I hope that I filter what comes out of my mouth a lot more than I used to. I don't like hurting people and saying "I'm sorry" all the time. I want more of Him and less of me -- and if that makes me boring in your eyes or you think I've changed, I have and that's ok...being a little more reserved doesn't hurt people as much."
It means a lot to me that people care enough to show concern for me and want things to feel right in my eyes and I don't know if I have really worded my answer as eloquently as I had hoped but my prayer is that everyone would realize that life here on this earth is more about our self-serving happiness and the flush (that's Beatle's version of the "flesh". i have yet to correct her because it's so stinking cute.) but all about Jesus Christ and what we can do as His servants! Would you ask a servant if he were happy? Probably not because he's been committed to one master and the servant doesn't have any control besides showing up for duty in the mornings. I take that back--he does have another choice, he can smile or not while he works. People, I'm smiling!!! But I'll smile a little bigger after all these inquiries. :)
Either I'm one of those sour-pussed Christians, a bad communicator, or really NOT happy for several different people who know me well to ask me that and I'd really like to be NONE of the things listed previously.
Each time I was asked it was like I was caught off-guard, not really knowing how to answer so I'm going to put my thoughts together more carefully than I did in person and answer here for my own sake.
"Corrie doesn't seem happy so I want to take her to dinner to find out if she's really happy." "Tell me why you're in Hot Springs. I need to know you are there for a reason. Are you happy there?"
"Yes! I am happy! Thank you for being concerned with my welfare but I am completely satisfied. I've never been this satisfied with myself actually and have been marveling in it recently. For the first time ever, I'm comfortable in my skin, LOVE what I'm doing day-in and day-out, and am generally happy with who I am and where I am. But, as a Christian, I know that life's not even about happiness. Nor is it all about being understood. It's so much bigger than that! I'd rather live my life faithful to the Most High King than be understood by family and friends as painful as that might be. When He says "Go", I wanna go no matter where. If life were all about my personal happiness, then I would be back in Oklahoma for good--dumping my kids off on my parents when the weekend came and whooping it up with my friends every bloody weekend. When I did a little dumping and whooping on my playcation, I didn't once think of anyone besides myself. Some people can minister close to home, but for me, my tendency is too selfish right now. I'd want to be self-serving instead of serving others.
With our life in Hot Springs, do I have everything that I want in this world? No, but I have everything I need and I count my blessings all the time. Do I get to do everthing I want to? No, but I know that exercising a little self-control is definitely something that I need practice at. Do I miss having family and friends around? Of course! But I'd like to think that our little family unit has grown closer, visits to home sweeter and made me more self-reliant. Do I act or talk like I used to? I hope not! I hope that I filter what comes out of my mouth a lot more than I used to. I don't like hurting people and saying "I'm sorry" all the time. I want more of Him and less of me -- and if that makes me boring in your eyes or you think I've changed, I have and that's ok...being a little more reserved doesn't hurt people as much."
It means a lot to me that people care enough to show concern for me and want things to feel right in my eyes and I don't know if I have really worded my answer as eloquently as I had hoped but my prayer is that everyone would realize that life here on this earth is more about our self-serving happiness and the flush (that's Beatle's version of the "flesh". i have yet to correct her because it's so stinking cute.) but all about Jesus Christ and what we can do as His servants! Would you ask a servant if he were happy? Probably not because he's been committed to one master and the servant doesn't have any control besides showing up for duty in the mornings. I take that back--he does have another choice, he can smile or not while he works. People, I'm smiling!!! But I'll smile a little bigger after all these inquiries. :)
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Marriage on my Mind
We're in Oklahoma right now because my best friend eloped and had her reception last Saturday and BR's best friend is having his wedding and reception this coming Saturday. Also, BR's parents celebrated their 37th anniversary yesterday. Our thoughts are with friends abroad who are celebrating their 3rd and 4th anniversaries this week and next week BR and I celebrate our 7th. Folks, we are feasting on a giant love sandwhich this week--extra goopy, schmoopy love please but hold the strife. We are loving love! Weddings are so optimistic and promising; I think that's why most people really like them. However, anyone married longer than a week knows that it's a challenge blending two people, two identities and two families.
I gave a toast at my best friend's wedding reception and I thought that I'd include it on this blog since marriage is on my mind a lot this week.
T.J. and Emily,
Thank you for letting us all celebrate this day with you two. I’m so very happy to be a part of such a special occasion.
For a few years when I was younger, I earnestly prayed for a best friend. God answered my prayers in Emily. Throughout Jr. High and High School, I felt shielded from the typical school experiences because I had Emily. We didn’t feel like we had to conform to anything because we had each other. T.J. and Emily, I hope that for you two—that despite the world’s static around you, you can both stand on the foundation of Christ and be insulated, totally content with each other.
T.J., I can speak from experience, you are getting a wonderful best friend. Emily does grace and forgiveness exceptionally well. She is, of course, very funny and truly sincere. She is spontaneous and up for anything fun. Emily is cautious with heart matters though and doesn’t give her heart away very easily but, when she does, she’s all in. And T.J., she’s chosen to give it to you.
Drawing from my wells of wisdom, I don’t really have anything profound or insightful to say about marriage but I do know where to look to find those things. It’s my opinion, and as I look around the room I see others who would agree, that the keys to a truly happy, fulfilling and lasting marriage are found in the Bible.
I’ve heard it said that marriage isn’t to be a picture of happiness but rather a picture of holiness. I wish you both happy times ahead; I do, but as you know, emotions are fickle. All through out scripture we, as Christians, are given instructions to die to self, put others first and to forgive quickly. I’m willing to say that there is no one else you will do that for more than each other. There will be days where it will be tiresome to do those things or foolish pride may get in the way but I encourage you two to work at those Godly principles all of the time. Not only will it draw you closer to the Lord and but it can’t help but bring you closer to each other as well.
After Peter writes about the relationship between husband and wife in third chapter of 1st Peter, he has a final thought in verses 8 and 9. “To sum up, all of you be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted and humble in spirit, not returning evil for evil or insult for insult but giving a blessing instead for you were called for the very purpose that you might inherit a blessing.” I can’t help but think that a blessing from living like that would be a rich and holy marriage bringing years of joy to you both.
Emily, I love you and am filled with gladness for you today. T.J., I am looking forward to watching you guide your family and getting to know you better over the years.
Let’s take a moment to raise our glasses showing our commitment to encourage and support the union of T.J. and Emily. Congratulations!
I gave a toast at my best friend's wedding reception and I thought that I'd include it on this blog since marriage is on my mind a lot this week.
T.J. and Emily,
Thank you for letting us all celebrate this day with you two. I’m so very happy to be a part of such a special occasion.
For a few years when I was younger, I earnestly prayed for a best friend. God answered my prayers in Emily. Throughout Jr. High and High School, I felt shielded from the typical school experiences because I had Emily. We didn’t feel like we had to conform to anything because we had each other. T.J. and Emily, I hope that for you two—that despite the world’s static around you, you can both stand on the foundation of Christ and be insulated, totally content with each other.
T.J., I can speak from experience, you are getting a wonderful best friend. Emily does grace and forgiveness exceptionally well. She is, of course, very funny and truly sincere. She is spontaneous and up for anything fun. Emily is cautious with heart matters though and doesn’t give her heart away very easily but, when she does, she’s all in. And T.J., she’s chosen to give it to you.
Drawing from my wells of wisdom, I don’t really have anything profound or insightful to say about marriage but I do know where to look to find those things. It’s my opinion, and as I look around the room I see others who would agree, that the keys to a truly happy, fulfilling and lasting marriage are found in the Bible.
I’ve heard it said that marriage isn’t to be a picture of happiness but rather a picture of holiness. I wish you both happy times ahead; I do, but as you know, emotions are fickle. All through out scripture we, as Christians, are given instructions to die to self, put others first and to forgive quickly. I’m willing to say that there is no one else you will do that for more than each other. There will be days where it will be tiresome to do those things or foolish pride may get in the way but I encourage you two to work at those Godly principles all of the time. Not only will it draw you closer to the Lord and but it can’t help but bring you closer to each other as well.
After Peter writes about the relationship between husband and wife in third chapter of 1st Peter, he has a final thought in verses 8 and 9. “To sum up, all of you be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted and humble in spirit, not returning evil for evil or insult for insult but giving a blessing instead for you were called for the very purpose that you might inherit a blessing.” I can’t help but think that a blessing from living like that would be a rich and holy marriage bringing years of joy to you both.
Emily, I love you and am filled with gladness for you today. T.J., I am looking forward to watching you guide your family and getting to know you better over the years.
Let’s take a moment to raise our glasses showing our commitment to encourage and support the union of T.J. and Emily. Congratulations!
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