Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Marriage on my Mind

We're in Oklahoma right now because my best friend eloped and had her reception last Saturday and BR's best friend is having his wedding and reception this coming Saturday. Also, BR's parents celebrated their 37th anniversary yesterday. Our thoughts are with friends abroad who are celebrating their 3rd and 4th anniversaries this week and next week BR and I celebrate our 7th. Folks, we are feasting on a giant love sandwhich this week--extra goopy, schmoopy love please but hold the strife. We are loving love! Weddings are so optimistic and promising; I think that's why most people really like them. However, anyone married longer than a week knows that it's a challenge blending two people, two identities and two families.

I gave a toast at my best friend's wedding reception and I thought that I'd include it on this blog since marriage is on my mind a lot this week.

T.J. and Emily,
Thank you for letting us all celebrate this day with you two. I’m so very happy to be a part of such a special occasion.

For a few years when I was younger, I earnestly prayed for a best friend. God answered my prayers in Emily. Throughout Jr. High and High School, I felt shielded from the typical school experiences because I had Emily. We didn’t feel like we had to conform to anything because we had each other. T.J. and Emily, I hope that for you two—that despite the world’s static around you, you can both stand on the foundation of Christ and be insulated, totally content with each other.

T.J., I can speak from experience, you are getting a wonderful best friend. Emily does grace and forgiveness exceptionally well. She is, of course, very funny and truly sincere. She is spontaneous and up for anything fun. Emily is cautious with heart matters though and doesn’t give her heart away very easily but, when she does, she’s all in. And T.J., she’s chosen to give it to you.

Drawing from my wells of wisdom, I don’t really have anything profound or insightful to say about marriage but I do know where to look to find those things. It’s my opinion, and as I look around the room I see others who would agree, that the keys to a truly happy, fulfilling and lasting marriage are found in the Bible.

I’ve heard it said that marriage isn’t to be a picture of happiness but rather a picture of holiness. I wish you both happy times ahead; I do, but as you know, emotions are fickle. All through out scripture we, as Christians, are given instructions to die to self, put others first and to forgive quickly. I’m willing to say that there is no one else you will do that for more than each other. There will be days where it will be tiresome to do those things or foolish pride may get in the way but I encourage you two to work at those Godly principles all of the time. Not only will it draw you closer to the Lord and but it can’t help but bring you closer to each other as well.

After Peter writes about the relationship between husband and wife in third chapter of 1st Peter, he has a final thought in verses 8 and 9. “To sum up, all of you be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted and humble in spirit, not returning evil for evil or insult for insult but giving a blessing instead for you were called for the very purpose that you might inherit a blessing.” I can’t help but think that a blessing from living like that would be a rich and holy marriage bringing years of joy to you both.

Emily, I love you and am filled with gladness for you today. T.J., I am looking forward to watching you guide your family and getting to know you better over the years.

Let’s take a moment to raise our glasses showing our commitment to encourage and support the union of T.J. and Emily. Congratulations!

1 comment:

  1. Very well spoken! Or, written. I am always inspired by you.
