My favorite part of the Wizard of OZ movie has always been when they get to the Emerald City and everyone's singing and dancing around and that wonderful horse keeps changing colors! I was always mesmerized. That's how I feel with Brent's face in these last 24 hours--mesmerized.
Let me start at the beginning...Brent the Builder. What a surprise it was to me that after 5 years of marriage and apartment hopping, when we finally had a home of our own, how handy Brent is. Before, he'd show me the things he built in shop class but I just likened it to the sweatshirts I sewed in Home Ec. Could I sit down in front of a sewing machine and crank one out again without guidance and! So, I didn't think much of it but when we had to work on our house to get it ready for an inspection, I started to see his craftmanship bloom.

What a man! Then, his home improvement projects heightened his awareness that he needed more tools (maybe that was his plan all along). Now, he has a bevy of saws to get most jobs done. Like building my entryway stall that I had been wanting for years...
Or a simple, unobtrusive shelf in our bathroom (that I've yet to adorn fully).
And when I busted Beatle's playground, he took timber and made a fortress, giving me no grief. (ok, a tiny bit but it was deserved.)
So, after some planning, measuring, and estimating, he bought the lumber to add on to our tiny deck in our backyard. During the warmer months, our favorite place to be is our own backyard and the other deck had no railing. Entertaining out there was cramped and dangerous because I just knew that someone was going to scoot their chair back too far and tumble off the side. BR was so excited to get started and I made some kind of comment like, "How long do you think this will take? There's no way you can get it done in one weekend, right? Like two or three?" He saw that as a challenge. One weekend it will be! So, before Upward on Saturday morning, here he is busting the ice and ripping up the existing deck.
After Upward and a quick bite of lunch, he couldn't wait to get back out there but Beatle and I were still at the table finishing ours when he came back in staggering. All I could see was his sillhoete until he got closer and I saw he was covered in dirt and the side of his face was swollen and around his eye was starting to change color. He was giving this one board heck with the crowbar when something slipped and the fell between those support beams but not before busting his face on it. He was down for the count for awhile and took the afternoon off from building. When he felt up to it, we went to a home and garden show last night and he was garnering all kinds of looks. We called a doctor friend of ours and got some reassurance that there was no serious internal head trauma due to him having no symptoms but this is how he looked getting ready for church this morning.
OW! Poor Brent! Dare I say that the deck will take an extra weekend???
oh my goodness! tell him he better have it finished when i get there next week!