Ahhh...camping with the fam. We love to camp but it's not much fun with babies so this was Birdie's first camping trip. It was only for a day but it was just enough fun for us. It ended bad for Beatle and she was ready to go home. She was walking backwards and tripped, and her pinkie finger got burned kind of badly because it touched the metal barrier of our dying fire. It was sad because it was really painful for her. She took her first pill (acetametophin) for it and she felt so big and keeps asking to take pills...a little freaky for me but maybe I watch too much Intervention after the girls go to sleep.
My favorite part of the weekend was seeing Birdie at bedtime lighted by glow sticks on the other side of the tent in her pack-and-play saying, "Whas sat?" Then she'd pant heavily as she'd bury herself further into the blankets.
We have some quasi-friends that have the weirdest kids in the world! Super weird! It blows my mind. The other day, Beatle was meticulously eating her toast and then she said, "Look, mom. A donkey!" And by gum, she had eaten her toast to look like a donkey. I thought it was so funny and clever until I started wondering if those weird kids had ever eaten their toast into a donkey. Yikes! There's a fine line that I really don't want her to cross!
I love that Beatle's teacher switches the kids' seats around a lot; it keeps them moving and not just stuck by someone that they may have personality conflicts with. There was this one boy that all of a sudden he started punching Beatle in the gut and kidneys every time he could because she outed him that he was hoarding glue sticks. Well, she got moved with only one person in between her and her bestie, Bailey. She whole-heartedly said it was worth the kidney shots to be that close to Bailey! That is love!
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