Monday, December 5, 2011

Jelly of the Month Club

For the first time in my life, we have Christmas lights hanging on the outside of our house. We took a stab at it when we lived in Ft. Worth but this is for real. When I was a kid, I remember finding some old Christmas lights and asking my dad to hang them but he never would, always citing, "We live in the country; who would see them?" Good point. But now, oh now, we've got them up! So fun!

I teach the 3-year-old Sunday School class and in our class we have the sweetest, most chipper child. She's tall and slim with curly blonde hair and blue eyes. Although her features are delicate, she's more on the tom-boy spectrum. This poor child CANNOT sit still for ANYTHING. Her nature is so sweet though! In her little chipmunk voice, every Sunday, she calls me "Miss Cordy". It is the most precious thing ever and I will never correct her.

All of the girls have junky coughs. Today, Birdie, with all of her delicate features, woke up with sinus breath that could slay a dragon. Yikes! Poor kid!

I picked up a book for my brother-in-law to mail to him while he's deployed but I didn't think it was fair to mail him a book I've never read personally, so I thought I'd read the first chapter at least to get a feel for it. I can't put it down! And, after college, I haven't stuck with many non-fiction books at all. The crazy thing is it's called "Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul". Random! I wonder if when I finish it, I'll look down to find that I've sprouted chest hair of my own. But really, it's given me such perspective!! I grew up with a sister, have girls of my own, girl friends with girls of their own; I don't understand boys and haven't really tried. This book has convicted me of my gender-superior attitude I have toward men and my usual dislike for the majority of boys. How wrong I've been! I would highly recommend this book to just about everyone--wives, mothers, men. It's been very interesting. I thought about highlighting or underlining parts for Zac but Brent said that would be creepy. Probably true! :)

So, I'm feeling a little like Clark Griswold this Christmas...with all of our unexpected expenses this fall, our gift fund has been depleted so if the church opts for a jelly of the month club bonus, we're screwed. Haha! Not worried though; it's just stuff. Beatle would probably disagree. :)

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