Saturday, June 5, 2010

Plum Mad

Last year, we found a plum tree in a commercial area by our neighborhood. We made plum jelly out of the ones we picked. The jelly tasted great but the consistency was more like a syrup so all year we've been excited to perfect our craft. We've done drive-bys to check the plum progress and they had reached perfection last weekend. We've been staying very busy in the evenings and since it's not really our property, we try to do the picking after business hours. :) Well, we couldn't wait any longer and even though Brent wasn't with us, the girls and I went a-pickin'. But, I was horrified to discover that someone else had beat us to it!!! How is this possible??? This was OUR tree! Ok, it really isn't but it felt like it was our secret plum tree. We got half as many plums as last year and I had to really stretch to make it happen. Well, we'll see how the jelly-ing goes. And next year, we're picking them all on Memorial Day weekend and beat that ruthless stranger to the plums!

It's that time of year again! Summer for some people is a relaxing time but for our family (mostly Brent!) it is a busy and all-consuming season. In his head, he has all sorts of details about camps, VBS, mission trips and upcoming fall programming rolling around. Thursday night, I asked him to get the steaks and put them on the grill for us and he opened our spice cabinet and just stood there looking intently. Ahhh, it's just one of the many tell-tale signs that summer is upon us.

Beatle and I had the most exquisite conversation about heaven yesterday; it's so nice to be able to linger lately and have heart-felt talks with her. Besides her being born, when her heart is fully ready to accept the Lord, that will be our proudest day in her little life. Can't wait!

As a type of bachelor party, BR and his close friends went fishing this weekend in OK so Beatle and I had girl's night. We picked plums (of course), swam at a friend's, came home, put Birdie down for the night, propped a tent up, made chocolate-covered strawberries (uh, yum!), and watched The Neverending Story. Afterward, we retired in my bed. It was definitely special!


  1. How did the jelly turn out? I've got a jar of strawberry saved for you of the jam we made. Maybe we could switch out.
    And a sidenote- You are such a fun mama. Always doing such memorable things with the little ones. But the Neverending Story kinda freaked me out as a kid. TJ absolutely LOVED it. He made me watch it the other day. :)

  2. Ok, me??? No, no, no. I will live in your gardening, porch-time, AMAZING crafts shadow. We may have some fun along the way but our projects rarely turn out so I'm in awe of you! And, Neverending Story scared the freak out of me when I was little. It's just made me feel weird so we were holding hands during most of it but I have to say that I enjoyed it much more than when I was little and so far neither of us have had nightmares. :)
