Thursday, June 17, 2010

VBS=Very Busy Schedule

Sooo many funny things but so little time! VBS is wrapping up. Whew! What a week that always is for us. It's been great though. The songs are cute, as usual, and nauseatingly catchy. There's one about a "Tumblebee" according to Beatle (tumbleweed to everyone else in the world). That's song's got a little line dancing out! It feels guilty to have that much fun in a Baptist sanctuary. :) In the song, there's a part that I felt a little self-conscious doing just because it's a little over the top. I didn't say anything to anyone but I just did miniature motions. This morning, Beatle brought up that she didn't like the same part I felt silly doing and said in a shaky, goofy, falsetto voice that when she was doing it, she was thinking, "Do-ooon't look a-aaat me bo-oooys." Then she said in her regular voice, "That's pitiful, ain't it?" (I love it when little kids say ain't occasionally.)

All marriage relationships are different and, when healthy, they all serve a purpose and work for different folks. BR and I (the jury's still out on how healthy it is!) don't function very well when we don't get time to communicate. We just need that time to chat and connect. In seminary, when life was so busy and stressful we'd have our Thursday Fight (at least that's what we started calling it once we realized the trend--not seeing each other long enough to have some quality time by Thursday=fussing about stupid things that don't really matter). Well, we were squabbling in the car this week and Beatle piped up (mind you, this part ISN'T healthy) and said, "Dad, I think it's funny that you are acting like a kid but you are supposed to be a...Children's...Minister." bahaha! I didn't say a word...just a silent, oh so sweet, victory for me.

Don't worry, she got me back earlier today when I had been snippy and she said, "Mom, I want to tell you something." I had a bad feeling about this and then she started telling me that their verse was "Treat others how you would like to be treated." And she expounded on this thought. She really likes to flirt with crossing the line, doesn't she?

I can't even remember what it was about now but yesterday she said that I ruined her life and then she told me later that she was really thinking about running away but decided against it. That's a first of many empty threats to run away, I suppose.

Another first was that one of Beatle's friends called my cell phone to ask me if she could come over and swim. Beatle and I were both floored! Wow! This starts at 5???

For the first time, Beatle has been openly expressing a little resentment toward Charlotte. Beatle's been restless and discontented (and contemplating running away). I asked her what she was feeling, "Frustrated? Mad? Sad? Angry?..." She quickly announced, "Jealous." She knew exactly what her feelings were. Don't worry, I'm reading Siblings without Rivalry. They may not always be great friends (I would love that though!) but hopefully they'll learn to work through their differences and Beatle was already doting on Birdie just a half hour after she made that announcement.

Birdie is very interested in what we are all eating these days. We're trying some cereal out and will work our way toward a sippy cup and baby food in these next few weeks.

Anyways, I obviously can't remember all of the funny stuff that's happened lately. Honestly, this week's been a bit of a blur.


  1. i can not say enough how glad you are blogging. you make my day. in fact, i just read this out loud to craig. :) love you.

  2. Oh heavens! What a week! VBS, birthday, and threats of running away... I wonder why she decided against it? Did she say?

    Corrie, when Beatle was little I remember you telling me that she bonked you right in the forehead for the first time. Boy, can I relate now. Faith hit me this week hard AND IT HURT! I've never been against spanking, but I will say I felt weird spatting her hand while telling her not to hit Mommy. What's a girl to do?
