Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lost Toys, Time, Temper and Keys

Both of my blogging materials are in Oklahoma until Friday. Can't wait to see those two again! But in the meantime, I'm using my spare time to clean and reorganize Beatle's room. I swear she's a hoarder. There's little junkie things everywhere so I've made a clean sweep with my trash sack and my garage sale sack. (Insert evil laughter here.)

On Sunday, Brent was already gone for church and I was getting judgemental and couldn't understand how people can be late to things when they only have to get themselves ready. (It feels like it's been a long time since I've just had to worry about myself.) By Tuesday, I'm shoving him out of the way with my hands full screaming, "I'm late!!!" haha! Doesn't take long for God to put me in my place. :)

Beatle has her dance recital on Saturday night. She's so precious and I can't wait for her to do her thang on stage. One boy called her fat before she left for OK. Well, I've actually already introduced him to you--he's the one she's in the onion breath club with. (I liken their relationship to tempestuous lovers. You witness their ups and mostly their downs but they just keep going back to each other and, as an outsider, you just don't get it!) I wanted to blacken both of his eyes when she told me what he said but you just do the best you can to keep your children from dwelling on something hurtful like that. (Even though it didn't take me much time to think of some tremendously hurtful comebacks I wanted to offer to her for free. Trust me, they would have shut him up and sent him crying to his mommy but despite the fact that that wouldn't have been Biblical or emotionally responsible, I really like his mommy, so I abstained.)

I've been enjoying my time with BR this week without the girls. We were a little like strangers at first but we're warming up to each other. (It's funny how you have a child together to cement the relationship and share something special together but it takes focus and dedication to keep those precious little things from getting in between the two of you and being a distraction.) Back to Brent, I'm quite certain he lost my keys last Friday! Pray for that, if you think of it or care. My life feels all discombobulated without them; not to mention, my last day of work is Friday and they're going to want their key back!!!

Our foster meeting went well and we're excited about the adventures to come!

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