Birdie has just totally stalled out. I really, really thought that if she hustled, she could be walking by Halloween. Then, we just knew that it would be happening by Thanksgiving. Without a doubt, by Christmas. Welp, here we are still--to much of a chicken to just let go and take a step of faith with only 11 days until Christmas. :) She zipped right through the other stages but we're lingering on this one.
In other news, she pulled the bloody Christmas tree over on herself! I was horrified. We were having a play date with friend and her baby. I was trying to be a good hostess and get the mom a drink and get lunch in order. Birdie usually stays away from that corner of the house because the fireplace is over there too. But while in the kitchen, I hear a tremendous CRASH with lots of tiny clinks. The other mother felt so bad because she kind of watched it happen because they let their daughter play with the tree. I just thought I was going to throw-up because of all of our treasured ornaments. I was trying really hard to play it cool in front of this girl because I didn't want her to see how neurotic and reactive I am--we're not that close yet. I was completely relieved to find that not one of them was broken! I was telling this story to a friend and for some reason, she was hung up on if Birdie was ok. Weird. :) Yes! She was.
This time of year is way too busy! Why can't we have some of these parties and events in April??? I just don't get it. I was relieved when the weekend was over just to get a second to breathe. I, honest to goodness, don't know how I did all of this last year--working and about to pop with Birdie. I know that my house was a wreck a lot and I guess I just had one 4 year old to take care of after work but seems crazy.
Sunday morning, I was getting Beatle and her best buddy (yes, there was a sleepover in the mix) ready for church and I pulled out this old-fashioned green and red plaid dress that someone gave us for Beatle to wear. She was starting to turn her nose up at it but then said, "Ok, I'll look like I'm a baby doll." Her friend jumped into her black velvet dress with a brown faux-fur jacket and leopard shoes. Beatle's face fell and she said, "You look like a fancy baby doll and I look like an orphan baby doll." bahaha. I love that girl!
An elf called us this weekend! I had signed up for something called "Santa Switchboard" here in town; where Santa calls kids up and talks for a few minutes. We never got a call! Beatle was telling me how "everyone" in her class got a call from Santa, Mrs. Claus or an elf. So, I called in a favor from my Uncle Damon in New Mexico, who does great voices and usually reserves them only for pranks. He did a wonderful job as Snowy the Elf! I'm told that on the other end, he panicked a little when Beatle was telling him she wants a hound dog for Christmas and started asking to speak to Mrs. Claus. :)
As y'all know, Beatle accepted Christ last July at Summer Camp but we wanted to wait for baptism a little while so she, at her young age, could recognize the difference between the two. We both agreed that she's waited long enough and she's ready for the next step. The Sunday after Thanksgiving, Beatle went forward to announce that she had made that decision in the summer. We were in the receiving line after church and Brent made a wise move and just let me stand with her so it wouldn't be about "the minister's kid" but all about Beatle. I think we're going to try to do a twofer for our family and have Beatle baptized on the weekend of Birdie's 1st birthday in January so everyone can just make one trip to celebrate both big events.
I better get back to busy! We've got one week only (and a weekend that, frankly, looks busier than the last) to get ready before we go home for Christmas.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
There's Good Ooeey Gooey and Bad Ooeey Gooey
Oh, I am so sick of us kicking around the stomach bug. We can't be giving it to each other...there's too much lag time between cases. But the first incident was BR on Halloween and it's been in our house on and off for us all since. Icky...I know. Beatle woke up not feeling well on Thanksgiving day. Always in it for the food, she was trying to muscle through and said, "Mom, it's ok. It's just the squirties." We tried to quarantine her as much as possible and warn everyone to keep their distance but alas, several people are down in Oklahoma now probably because of us. When we go back for Christmas, there will probably be Wanted signs hanging around with our pictures on them. "Wanted: For Carelessly Spreading the Squirties". We were 10 miles outside of Hot Springs on our way home when Birdie started throwing up and of course BR starts working himself into a tizzy. It's one of those crisis moments where you have to get the person to lock eyes with you and talk to them in a calming voice, reminding them to breathe. We pulled over but, honestly, I didn't know what I could do for her there that I couldn't do a million times better in just 15 or so minutes. We threw a blanket over her chest and helped Beatle, the whites of her eyes now a brilliant yellow color, whiz on the side of the road. (Honestly, for girls, the best way we've found to assist them urinating on the side of the road is one parent grab her feet and the other under her pits and just let her hang in an "L" position in mid-air. Quick, to the point, and no dribbles!) bahaha! I can't believe I'm really just laying all this madness out. Beatle tooted while in mid-air. I had her pits and I got tickled so hard, it took everything I had to hold her up. What a crazy life sometimes. BR and I get equally freaked out at times to add more but here goes nothing...with our home being open for foster kids soon.
Back to the squirties for a moment, we were praying last night and I was praying for Birdie who doesn't feel well and "for everyone back in Oklahoma that is now sick because Beatle sat on their lap when she had the squirties. Amen." She laughed an embarrassed laugh and said, "I can't believe you told Him that." Like He didn't know! :)
Birdie's cutting more teeth and she goes around clacking and grinding her top and bottom teeth together. Ewww! It is the grossest sound ever! It just doesn't sound right. We keep trying to give her things to chew on but she'll still do it or find things, like our stone coasters to grind her teeth on! Ahhh! Like nails on a chalkboard!
Big News! Yes, you are blog-worthy. :) My sister got engaged at Thanksgiving! He asked in front of all of the family at Thanksgiving dinner--one of those "What are you Thankful for?" moments and KAPOW! a ring appeared. It was so special that we all got to be a part of it! We love Zac and I'm excited he'll be a brother-in-law someday. Beatle's crazy about him, too. And it will be all Birdie ever remembers--Uncle Zac. I'm so happy for my sister, SUZY, who has found a good man and the love of her life!!! I couldn't help that night to see my brother over her shoulder when we were all reveling in their exciting step. My brother and his fiancee were standing side-by-side and I thought how cool it is that love comes at all different times and all different ways--that my little sister and big brother are probably going to get married in the same year (neither couple has set their date yet because of military responsibilities and illness in the family). My brother and sister are 13 years apart. Wow! And the best part is, my girls are getting an awesome uncle and wonderful new aunt! I love both of them a lot! What an exciting time! Now...I just need to be made into an aunt! After the respective weddings, of course. ;)
Back to the squirties for a moment, we were praying last night and I was praying for Birdie who doesn't feel well and "for everyone back in Oklahoma that is now sick because Beatle sat on their lap when she had the squirties. Amen." She laughed an embarrassed laugh and said, "I can't believe you told Him that." Like He didn't know! :)
Birdie's cutting more teeth and she goes around clacking and grinding her top and bottom teeth together. Ewww! It is the grossest sound ever! It just doesn't sound right. We keep trying to give her things to chew on but she'll still do it or find things, like our stone coasters to grind her teeth on! Ahhh! Like nails on a chalkboard!
Big News! Yes, you are blog-worthy. :) My sister got engaged at Thanksgiving! He asked in front of all of the family at Thanksgiving dinner--one of those "What are you Thankful for?" moments and KAPOW! a ring appeared. It was so special that we all got to be a part of it! We love Zac and I'm excited he'll be a brother-in-law someday. Beatle's crazy about him, too. And it will be all Birdie ever remembers--Uncle Zac. I'm so happy for my sister, SUZY, who has found a good man and the love of her life!!! I couldn't help that night to see my brother over her shoulder when we were all reveling in their exciting step. My brother and his fiancee were standing side-by-side and I thought how cool it is that love comes at all different times and all different ways--that my little sister and big brother are probably going to get married in the same year (neither couple has set their date yet because of military responsibilities and illness in the family). My brother and sister are 13 years apart. Wow! And the best part is, my girls are getting an awesome uncle and wonderful new aunt! I love both of them a lot! What an exciting time! Now...I just need to be made into an aunt! After the respective weddings, of course. ;)
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Bellies, Behavior and Blessings
I'm such a boring blogger these days!!! Shame on me!!! Let me just say however, I don't know if I've ever felt so fulfilled in all of my life! I love being with my girls and my free time has been filled with keeping a nice house consistently (I think I'm in a new record), having lots of people in my home again, finally completing our foster paperwork/classes/steps (we lack one home study and are excited to get a child in the new year), playing with Scentsy, and am following the Lord's leading to a new sensitivity and reactivity to some homeless friends God has led into my life. When I breathe, I breathe deeply these days but not because I'm tired but because I am so complete and content. Life is full and I'm being used in ways I only hoped I would be just a few short months ago.
Two nights ago Beatle prayed, "God, you're my favorite. I mean, I can just imagine you and me in my bed--cuddling." :) On her thankfulness list, her teacher translated her little scribble scrabble and wrote to the side that her number one was "God" but when I looked closer at it, I saw she wrote "MIGAD". haha! But for those of you who are still hung up on making fun of my kindergartener's simple writing skills, you are missing the "MI" at the beginning of her number one answer. My God. Her God. She's thankful for HER God. That makes a mom's heart swell!
And to touch further on her writing skills, she's actually satisfactory. :) haha! We got her progress report yesterday and she was satisfactory in academic and excellent in conduct. When I told her what her report said and told her the things Mrs. Bettis said we should probably work on a little more with her writing, Beatle paused and asked thoughtfully, "It's behavior that you really care about, right?" Awww! "Yes, Beatle! We care more about your behavior than what's up in your head because we know you are smart and can learn all that when you are ready."
Yesterday, I was trying to negotiate the doctor out of sticking Birdie's finger for an iron check. Alas, he won and, turns out, she IS anemic! So wierd but I'm glad he stuck to his guns, I guess. Just some iron suplements and we should be all patched up.
Birdie turns 10 months tomorrow. I saw a lady tonight a church who is due in 2011 right around the same time I was due with Birdie. And, I started reminiscing about the big belly at Thanksgiving and the clothes I was wearing this time last year...I actually really, really missed being pregnant for a few minutes.
Two nights ago Beatle prayed, "God, you're my favorite. I mean, I can just imagine you and me in my bed--cuddling." :) On her thankfulness list, her teacher translated her little scribble scrabble and wrote to the side that her number one was "God" but when I looked closer at it, I saw she wrote "MIGAD". haha! But for those of you who are still hung up on making fun of my kindergartener's simple writing skills, you are missing the "MI" at the beginning of her number one answer. My God. Her God. She's thankful for HER God. That makes a mom's heart swell!
And to touch further on her writing skills, she's actually satisfactory. :) haha! We got her progress report yesterday and she was satisfactory in academic and excellent in conduct. When I told her what her report said and told her the things Mrs. Bettis said we should probably work on a little more with her writing, Beatle paused and asked thoughtfully, "It's behavior that you really care about, right?" Awww! "Yes, Beatle! We care more about your behavior than what's up in your head because we know you are smart and can learn all that when you are ready."
Yesterday, I was trying to negotiate the doctor out of sticking Birdie's finger for an iron check. Alas, he won and, turns out, she IS anemic! So wierd but I'm glad he stuck to his guns, I guess. Just some iron suplements and we should be all patched up.
Birdie turns 10 months tomorrow. I saw a lady tonight a church who is due in 2011 right around the same time I was due with Birdie. And, I started reminiscing about the big belly at Thanksgiving and the clothes I was wearing this time last year...I actually really, really missed being pregnant for a few minutes.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Some pictures!
I bought this for Beatle when she was born--many frames with a list of "firsts" with magnetic backs. One day, I went into her room to see that they were all scrambled up and the wrong label was on the wrong picture. I asked, "What happened?" and she told me that a few days before she got mad at me and mixed them all up. Oooo, she really got me back with that one. :) Hey, right now, I really do appreciate that that is as vindictive as she gets!

Some pictures from the weekend...

Sleepy Birdie...ripping her socks and hat off all night wore her out.

Beatle said she held her breath through this whole picture...

Some pictures from the weekend...

Sleepy Birdie...ripping her socks and hat off all night wore her out.

Beatle said she held her breath through this whole picture...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Halloween was nice. My parents came to town. However, we were really confused when to trick-or-treat. Hot Springs never declared a day and everyone we talked to said something different so we wound up going both nights! :) We had a cowgirl and an Indian. Keeping Birdie's cowgirl hat on proved to be the biggest trick of the night. Beatle was so wore out from partying with my parents this weekend that she went to bed at 6:30 last night and I had to wake her up a little after 7 this morning! I couldn't believe it.
Today, Beatle came home from school telling me a little bit about the Pilgrits. :) She told me that they sailed here in a big boat a long, long time ago--like, in the 80s. haha! I had to chuckle out loud at that one.
Birdie can let go when she pulls up and stand alone now. It seems like she's achieved a lot with her mobility in the last month and so, in turn, I achieve less everyday. ;)
My sister comes to town this weekend and I'm really excited to spend some one-on-one time with her!
Today, Beatle came home from school telling me a little bit about the Pilgrits. :) She told me that they sailed here in a big boat a long, long time ago--like, in the 80s. haha! I had to chuckle out loud at that one.
Birdie can let go when she pulls up and stand alone now. It seems like she's achieved a lot with her mobility in the last month and so, in turn, I achieve less everyday. ;)
My sister comes to town this weekend and I'm really excited to spend some one-on-one time with her!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
She Gets Me
My daughter, Beatle, has a sense of humor very much like mine. We are definitely two different people but she gets five-year-old gets me. I can be talking to another kid and slide some discreet humor in the mix and Beatle will just look at me with twinkly eyes and I know that she knows what just happened. Or like tonight, in our car in the parking lot after church, we were hungry and I was rifling around in my wallet to see if I had any money and after I looked through it, I turned to her casually and asked, "You wanna go get a beer?" And then we both start howling with laughter at the same time, the same way. If I could put that sound in a mystical conch shell and wear it around my neck like Ursula the Sea Witch, I would. She's my daughter, first and foremost, but she's also my buddy.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Spills, Thrills and Chills
I had a list going of all the things I should blog about but of course I couldn't find it when I had a chance to blog.
I've started selling Scentsy. It just seemed to crazy not to. Here, no one really knows about it and the ones who did wanted to buy from someone but didn't know who to go to. So far, I haven't made ANY money but it's been fun. :) haha!
Scentsy does remind me of a Birdie story. She is into EVERYTHING! I have come to the conclusion that most of the stress in my life right now comes from trying to accomplish too much when she's awake. We're just in that stage where if I leave her unattended for too long some sort of catastrophe is brewing. I had my trial scents where she could reach but they're all wax and in jars she'd have to unscrew. I didn't care to much if she rifled around in them. Well, I forgot about the room spray. I have no idea how a 8 month old figured out how to unscrew the lid but she was sitting in a mess of aromatic oil when I came back...and it was sticky! (Not what I imagined.) Our house smells awesome though and so do all my cleaning rags which makes me want to suggest to the company that they start doing a line of some sort of laundry fragrances!
I have never been so thankful for my hardwood floors in all my life! Just the other day, Beatle walked in with her grape creamslush and it just fell to the floor as soon as we walked through the door. Purple goo was oozing everywhere. I just stood there for a second until it soaked in what just's not everyday you see something that color on your floors.
We've since learned that the fireplace that BR tried to install could have blown us to smitherines because it was originally made for propane not natural gas. So, we've got to try to re-coop our money and sell it to someone who has propane; not to mention, thank the Good Lord for sparing us once again from our own ignorance.
Beatle spent the night last weekend with her best friend and I thought she'd never come home and then when they did go their separate ways, they just cried and cried so we let them talk on the phone and invited her over after church on Sunday. I'm so glad Beatle has found a good friend from a nice family!!!
Beatle broke up a fight at rugtime yesterday...I heard about it from another teacher who said that she just cracks them up. She apparently asserted that he calm down while she held the boy's fists until he calmed down a little bit. Then he started to do the boxer shuffle with his dukes still up asking Beatle, "You want a piece of me, Beatle? You want a piece of this?" bahaha! I am rueful to say that this is the boy that is still her boyfriend. I told Beatle that she doesn't want a man like that to marry. I asked her, "Do you ever see dad try to fight me?" "Yeah!" she declared from the backseat. Ding, dong! Scuffling is NOT the same as real fighting.
She and I went to the Little Rock Philharmonic Orchestra to listen to spooky music from popular movies and symphonies. We had a date and we enjoyed it a lot. Coming in costume was encouraged so she wore her Indian costume and I dressed up like the conductor. Right before we got out of the car, she made me wipe off my fake mustache because she was afraid they wouldn't let me go into the girls restroom with her. haha! She's turning into such a worrier. Aren't kids not supposed to give a rip? Even in the balcony, I could tell she was stressing and she finally told me it was because she thought the balcony would collapse. My mom worried at a young age because her parents were emotionally unstable at times. What are Beatle's tendencies telling me???
Also, Beatle says "Hatan" instead of "Satan". It's quite cute because she's usually talking quite seriously when she says it.
I better get back to tending to the house and the babe before she starts teething on the toilet brush or something! Oh, have I posted that she pulled our laptop off of an endtable and killed it??? Yeah! I'm on a borrowed one. Children are blessings from the Lord!!! :) It's times like those when I have to remind myself that people are more important than things. Love you all!
I've started selling Scentsy. It just seemed to crazy not to. Here, no one really knows about it and the ones who did wanted to buy from someone but didn't know who to go to. So far, I haven't made ANY money but it's been fun. :) haha!
Scentsy does remind me of a Birdie story. She is into EVERYTHING! I have come to the conclusion that most of the stress in my life right now comes from trying to accomplish too much when she's awake. We're just in that stage where if I leave her unattended for too long some sort of catastrophe is brewing. I had my trial scents where she could reach but they're all wax and in jars she'd have to unscrew. I didn't care to much if she rifled around in them. Well, I forgot about the room spray. I have no idea how a 8 month old figured out how to unscrew the lid but she was sitting in a mess of aromatic oil when I came back...and it was sticky! (Not what I imagined.) Our house smells awesome though and so do all my cleaning rags which makes me want to suggest to the company that they start doing a line of some sort of laundry fragrances!
I have never been so thankful for my hardwood floors in all my life! Just the other day, Beatle walked in with her grape creamslush and it just fell to the floor as soon as we walked through the door. Purple goo was oozing everywhere. I just stood there for a second until it soaked in what just's not everyday you see something that color on your floors.
We've since learned that the fireplace that BR tried to install could have blown us to smitherines because it was originally made for propane not natural gas. So, we've got to try to re-coop our money and sell it to someone who has propane; not to mention, thank the Good Lord for sparing us once again from our own ignorance.
Beatle spent the night last weekend with her best friend and I thought she'd never come home and then when they did go their separate ways, they just cried and cried so we let them talk on the phone and invited her over after church on Sunday. I'm so glad Beatle has found a good friend from a nice family!!!
Beatle broke up a fight at rugtime yesterday...I heard about it from another teacher who said that she just cracks them up. She apparently asserted that he calm down while she held the boy's fists until he calmed down a little bit. Then he started to do the boxer shuffle with his dukes still up asking Beatle, "You want a piece of me, Beatle? You want a piece of this?" bahaha! I am rueful to say that this is the boy that is still her boyfriend. I told Beatle that she doesn't want a man like that to marry. I asked her, "Do you ever see dad try to fight me?" "Yeah!" she declared from the backseat. Ding, dong! Scuffling is NOT the same as real fighting.
She and I went to the Little Rock Philharmonic Orchestra to listen to spooky music from popular movies and symphonies. We had a date and we enjoyed it a lot. Coming in costume was encouraged so she wore her Indian costume and I dressed up like the conductor. Right before we got out of the car, she made me wipe off my fake mustache because she was afraid they wouldn't let me go into the girls restroom with her. haha! She's turning into such a worrier. Aren't kids not supposed to give a rip? Even in the balcony, I could tell she was stressing and she finally told me it was because she thought the balcony would collapse. My mom worried at a young age because her parents were emotionally unstable at times. What are Beatle's tendencies telling me???
Also, Beatle says "Hatan" instead of "Satan". It's quite cute because she's usually talking quite seriously when she says it.
I better get back to tending to the house and the babe before she starts teething on the toilet brush or something! Oh, have I posted that she pulled our laptop off of an endtable and killed it??? Yeah! I'm on a borrowed one. Children are blessings from the Lord!!! :) It's times like those when I have to remind myself that people are more important than things. Love you all!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Be Wary of Nicknaming...
Two cute expressions Beatle says--"whooped cream" instead of "whipped cream" and "oh right" instead of "alright".
She's now in love with the boy who was tormenting her and calling her fat the first few weeks of school. He said she looked cute yesterday and she made a heart with her hands at him across the rug at rug time. She said that he said, "Yeah baby. That's a heart oh right." :) Why do we always go after the boys that drive us crazy??? Hopefully, her taste in "men" will improve as she ages.
Yesterday, we had a blog worthy conversation on the way home from school, oh right! :) She was telling me that the boy she used to love, Gage, (you know, before she fell in love with the other boy) was making up nicknames for other kids so Beatle thought she'd come up with a nickname for him. She shortened his name and dubbed him "Gay". By her incredulous accounting, "He just got so mad and told the teacher. And the teacher made me, me!, apologize. I don't understand...I was just making up a nickname for him and my teacher said that that word means happy anyways." She seemed like she was still in a fog of disbelief. I asked her if the teacher understood what she was trying to do and she said that her teacher did and explained it to the boy but, nonetheless, Beatle still felt at fault for the whole thing and didn't know why. BR and I committed long ago to the idea that we will have a constant dialogue with our children about sexuality instead of just having one jarring conversation about it. So, parked in our driveway, I mustered up the simple (and I stress, age appropriate) words to tell her what "gay" means to a lot of other pople as well as pointing out what God's Word says about it. She sat quietly and listened, with her eyebrows doing a lot of activity, and then said, "Well, he must have known about that meaning. Can we eat our snack outside today?" haha! BR and I had a good laugh about that. Ahhh, the wonders of school!
She's now in love with the boy who was tormenting her and calling her fat the first few weeks of school. He said she looked cute yesterday and she made a heart with her hands at him across the rug at rug time. She said that he said, "Yeah baby. That's a heart oh right." :) Why do we always go after the boys that drive us crazy??? Hopefully, her taste in "men" will improve as she ages.
Yesterday, we had a blog worthy conversation on the way home from school, oh right! :) She was telling me that the boy she used to love, Gage, (you know, before she fell in love with the other boy) was making up nicknames for other kids so Beatle thought she'd come up with a nickname for him. She shortened his name and dubbed him "Gay". By her incredulous accounting, "He just got so mad and told the teacher. And the teacher made me, me!, apologize. I don't understand...I was just making up a nickname for him and my teacher said that that word means happy anyways." She seemed like she was still in a fog of disbelief. I asked her if the teacher understood what she was trying to do and she said that her teacher did and explained it to the boy but, nonetheless, Beatle still felt at fault for the whole thing and didn't know why. BR and I committed long ago to the idea that we will have a constant dialogue with our children about sexuality instead of just having one jarring conversation about it. So, parked in our driveway, I mustered up the simple (and I stress, age appropriate) words to tell her what "gay" means to a lot of other pople as well as pointing out what God's Word says about it. She sat quietly and listened, with her eyebrows doing a lot of activity, and then said, "Well, he must have known about that meaning.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
More Corndog Related Disappointment
I've been edged out. Yes, me--pushiest of the pushy--has been edged out. I am no longer a homeroom mother. I had been asked along with another mom to share responsibilities as room mother. Easy cheesy, right? It sure started off that way. I did a party, then she did a party. I'd give her a call now and then with things that I knew was going on and share emails I had with the teacher. I thought all was going swimmingly until she decided there needed to be a pecking order. We started chatting after school one day and she told me she had seen a paper somewhere with her name billed on top of mine so I went home and told BR that I was getting vibes that she was wanting to establish some sort of something about this. Next day, I'm picking up Beatle and her teacher comes to my car window and said that So-and-So's Mom had sent home a letter with all the kids proclaiming she was the one and only room mother and the teacher was concerned and wanted to see how I felt about it. I told her that if she wanted it that bad, she could have it. I have higher ambitions...the PTA! Muhahaha! :) P.s. The letter was absolutely ridiculous. I haven't had one of those "high school" moments in awhile. I guess I was due.
WE SOLD OUR VAN! R.I.P GOLD DUST. Just this afternoon, right before the game, a guy came and got it. He had been stalking it from day one and kept giving us these low, crap offers. Then we realized, nobody was giving us any offers so we met in the middle and it's done and out of our front yard! Yay! And, I don't know if this is considered racist or stereotypical but I'll tell you what, from all my time in Fort Worth having yard sales and then selling the van, Mexicans drive a freaking hard bargain! They like to negotiate. BR would tell you that they are absolutely one of my favorite people groups...I would be one if I could. I love their sense of family but also, they work really hard for their money and they appreciate it so they want to get THE LOWEST price for something they can. BR was like a true car salesmen; you know, you'll start negotiating and then they have to go "talk to their manager" off in some office and you never see them. I was inside making empanadas for the game and BR came in a few times needing a pep talk to hold firm to our price. haha! Empanadas too...what a kicker. He did really good though.
This may surprise you but my whole life I've done stupid things. :) I laughed until I practically peed myself the first few times I saw Tommy Boy but especially the part where he's "Fat guy in a little coat". My sister has always been much smaller than I but I would always "try her clothes on". There were a few instances where I'd even stretch things out or bust zippers. It makes no sense; it's a compulsion. Even if she leaves her jeans lying around now, I would definitely think about slipping them on. There's just no explaination for something so stupid. Well, something sort of like that happened this week. I was swinging Beatle on her swing in the backyard and I thought I would try to see if I could hold myself up on her trapeze bar. It never even crossed my mind that I was such a lard that maybe the timber couldn't hold ME up! I'm counting on my husband's carpentry skills to fix my boo-boo or we owe her a new swingset.
Her swingset has two parts to it; the part that I broke and then a little look out part with a slide up high. I'm thinking it was in my panic to make things right after tubby demolished her playplace, I mentioned something about having a sleepover up there on some weekend. As soon as I picked her up on Friday was THAT weekend. We went to a crafts fair that closed long before we were done poking around or even got a corndog! We were all totally devastated. It never even crossed our minds that it would close so early on a Friday. I ran up to a food vendor asking if they still had corndogs and, with a smirk, the cashier told us that those were the last two, pointing to a plate some skinny girl was holding while she was bouncing away. We were devastated. In an effort to cheer herself up, Beatle starts talking up all the things we're going to do when we get home for our mom/daughter campout. BR knows that I'd rather be sleeping in my own bed so he lowers the boom on Beatle, telling her that mommy may not sleep outside. Does timing mean nothing to him?!? There she is in her trucker hat with crusted lunch still on her face boo-hooing in the midway of a closing craft fair. After shooting him a look of "What were you thinking?!?" I assure her that we will have our sleepover. Then, he finds a BBQ truck that still had some food. Beatle states that she wants a turkey leg but I tell him that I really just wanted a corndog and don't want anything from here so he starts to leave. Again, for real? Please BR, don't hold back, just heap the disappointment on her head all at once. While I really appreciate him being sensitive to me, he was totally oblivious to another fragile female in our family. We got her a turkey leg and she happily ate it all the way home in the jeep. :) Our sleepover outside was fun--lil bit scary since I was supposed to be the rock--not gonna lie. You could tell though, she was SO happy. BR came out to check on us (and get the remains of the turkey leg carcas--it takes awhile to eat one of those and we didn't want to have it with us out there while we slept for fear of critters) before he went to bed (he slept on the couch with a window open) when we heard something. He grabbed the flashlight and shone it at the building and saw a "huge" rat. Yuck! And then something woke me up at 1 am. I rolled over to see a skunk in our back yard. Ewww! But overall, we had a blast, nothing got us and we slept well.
Ok, I'm done for the night! After talking about last night's sleep on boards outside, I'm ready to get into MY bed now. :) Sorry, I've been awful windy tonight!
WE SOLD OUR VAN! R.I.P GOLD DUST. Just this afternoon, right before the game, a guy came and got it. He had been stalking it from day one and kept giving us these low, crap offers. Then we realized, nobody was giving us any offers so we met in the middle and it's done and out of our front yard! Yay! And, I don't know if this is considered racist or stereotypical but I'll tell you what, from all my time in Fort Worth having yard sales and then selling the van, Mexicans drive a freaking hard bargain! They like to negotiate. BR would tell you that they are absolutely one of my favorite people groups...I would be one if I could. I love their sense of family but also, they work really hard for their money and they appreciate it so they want to get THE LOWEST price for something they can. BR was like a true car salesmen; you know, you'll start negotiating and then they have to go "talk to their manager" off in some office and you never see them. I was inside making empanadas for the game and BR came in a few times needing a pep talk to hold firm to our price. haha! Empanadas too...what a kicker. He did really good though.
This may surprise you but my whole life I've done stupid things. :) I laughed until I practically peed myself the first few times I saw Tommy Boy but especially the part where he's "Fat guy in a little coat". My sister has always been much smaller than I but I would always "try her clothes on". There were a few instances where I'd even stretch things out or bust zippers. It makes no sense; it's a compulsion. Even if she leaves her jeans lying around now, I would definitely think about slipping them on. There's just no explaination for something so stupid. Well, something sort of like that happened this week. I was swinging Beatle on her swing in the backyard and I thought I would try to see if I could hold myself up on her trapeze bar. It never even crossed my mind that I was such a lard that maybe the timber couldn't hold ME up! I'm counting on my husband's carpentry skills to fix my boo-boo or we owe her a new swingset.
Her swingset has two parts to it; the part that I broke and then a little look out part with a slide up high. I'm thinking it was in my panic to make things right after tubby demolished her playplace, I mentioned something about having a sleepover up there on some weekend. As soon as I picked her up on Friday was THAT weekend. We went to a crafts fair that closed long before we were done poking around or even got a corndog! We were all totally devastated. It never even crossed our minds that it would close so early on a Friday. I ran up to a food vendor asking if they still had corndogs and, with a smirk, the cashier told us that those were the last two, pointing to a plate some skinny girl was holding while she was bouncing away. We were devastated. In an effort to cheer herself up, Beatle starts talking up all the things we're going to do when we get home for our mom/daughter campout. BR knows that I'd rather be sleeping in my own bed so he lowers the boom on Beatle, telling her that mommy may not sleep outside. Does timing mean nothing to him?!? There she is in her trucker hat with crusted lunch still on her face boo-hooing in the midway of a closing craft fair. After shooting him a look of "What were you thinking?!?" I assure her that we will have our sleepover. Then, he finds a BBQ truck that still had some food. Beatle states that she wants a turkey leg but I tell him that I really just wanted a corndog and don't want anything from here so he starts to leave. Again, for real? Please BR, don't hold back, just heap the disappointment on her head all at once. While I really appreciate him being sensitive to me, he was totally oblivious to another fragile female in our family. We got her a turkey leg and she happily ate it all the way home in the jeep. :) Our sleepover outside was fun--lil bit scary since I was supposed to be the rock--not gonna lie. You could tell though, she was SO happy. BR came out to check on us (and get the remains of the turkey leg carcas--it takes awhile to eat one of those and we didn't want to have it with us out there while we slept for fear of critters) before he went to bed (he slept on the couch with a window open) when we heard something. He grabbed the flashlight and shone it at the building and saw a "huge" rat. Yuck! And then something woke me up at 1 am. I rolled over to see a skunk in our back yard. Ewww! But overall, we had a blast, nothing got us and we slept well.
Ok, I'm done for the night! After talking about last night's sleep on boards outside, I'm ready to get into MY bed now. :) Sorry, I've been awful windy tonight!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Pigs! Pigs! Pigs!
Much to my dismay, Beatle thinks she's a Razorback fan now that we live in AR. I mean, it's all they got here so I can see how she's been easily brainwashed. We were watching some type of cake-off on Food Network and one of the contestants was from Arkansas so we decided to root for her. Nearing the dramatic conclusion, I told Beatle to "Call the Hogs" which is some sort of combination of the words "Woo Pig" and "Sooie". Although I wish the Razorbacks well, I have yet to call the Hogs myself and don't see that possibility on the horizon anytime soon. I about fell out of my chair laughing when Beatle just starts whooping out "Pigs! Pigs! Pigs! Pigs!" Some fan, huh? :)
This last weekend, the girls and I loaded up and headed to OK for a celebration weekend. My best friend is soon to have her first child so I got to help throw a nice shower with some of my favorite girls in the world and my dad turned 60 so we wanted to celebrate that as well. At my dad's party, we hooked up a Karaoke machine because there's always a guitar and singing when we get together anyways. We thought it would be fun. Beatle has two cousins that she's sandwiched in between and typically all the girls play well together and are really cute because they are 4, 5, and 6. But differences between the three of them are starting to appear as they get older and one of those was glaringly evident while they were singing. Beatle stepped up to the mic to sing children's songs and Bible songs right after the cousins did a run of Lady Gaga and Michael Jackson. For a split second, I thought, "Oh, my child is such a nerd. She doesn't know any of these songs and can't sing with her cousins." And then, my spirit contradicted, "No, wait. She is a child. She's singing the songs she should be singing. To expose her to more mature messages wouldn't benefit her. It's my job right now to guard her heart." Spending most of my time feeling like I don't have a clue how to be a good mom, I felt so proud of Beatle that night.
I love listening to children work out their problems! I always have. The way they "naughty talk" each other cracks me up! On another occasion this weekend, I overheard Beatle and her older cousin tussling. The older cousin was keeping something from Beatle and ran away with it. Beatle followed her into the other room and said, "Sailor, you are the baddest cousin in the world!" haha! I had to break in at that point and have Beatle apologize and get them to work this out better.
When we got back to AR, the weather was finally crisp and cool. We hopped out of the car and went straight to the backyard to play and stretch our legs before the sun set. BR was at night church but had left Beatle's Barbie Jeep charging. So she started driving around and I put Birdie in with her. We got them all strapped in and I got the video camera and they were having fun until Beatle ramped one side of the Jeep on a raised flower bed and flipped the Jeep up on it's driver's side. It seemed to happen in slow motion but I was moving even slower. I got the whole mess to varying degrees on video. Beatle tumbled out and Birdie fell out. I got there right before the Jeep fully flipped right on top of Birdie. Oi-yoi-yoi! I'm telling's always an adventure around here.
Birdie's got 6 teeth now--4 on top and two on bottom. One of her top front teeth has grown in a few days later than the others so it's a shorty which makes for a cute, crazy little smile.
I finally found Birdie's go-to tickle spot. Other places have been mildly amusing but this one is bring-her-to-her-knees ticklish. It's so fun to constant be learning about these little people!
This last weekend, the girls and I loaded up and headed to OK for a celebration weekend. My best friend is soon to have her first child so I got to help throw a nice shower with some of my favorite girls in the world and my dad turned 60 so we wanted to celebrate that as well. At my dad's party, we hooked up a Karaoke machine because there's always a guitar and singing when we get together anyways. We thought it would be fun. Beatle has two cousins that she's sandwiched in between and typically all the girls play well together and are really cute because they are 4, 5, and 6. But differences between the three of them are starting to appear as they get older and one of those was glaringly evident while they were singing. Beatle stepped up to the mic to sing children's songs and Bible songs right after the cousins did a run of Lady Gaga and Michael Jackson. For a split second, I thought, "Oh, my child is such a nerd. She doesn't know any of these songs and can't sing with her cousins." And then, my spirit contradicted, "No, wait. She is a child. She's singing the songs she should be singing. To expose her to more mature messages wouldn't benefit her. It's my job right now to guard her heart." Spending most of my time feeling like I don't have a clue how to be a good mom, I felt so proud of Beatle that night.
I love listening to children work out their problems! I always have. The way they "naughty talk" each other cracks me up! On another occasion this weekend, I overheard Beatle and her older cousin tussling. The older cousin was keeping something from Beatle and ran away with it. Beatle followed her into the other room and said, "Sailor, you are the baddest cousin in the world!" haha! I had to break in at that point and have Beatle apologize and get them to work this out better.
When we got back to AR, the weather was finally crisp and cool. We hopped out of the car and went straight to the backyard to play and stretch our legs before the sun set. BR was at night church but had left Beatle's Barbie Jeep charging. So she started driving around and I put Birdie in with her. We got them all strapped in and I got the video camera and they were having fun until Beatle ramped one side of the Jeep on a raised flower bed and flipped the Jeep up on it's driver's side. It seemed to happen in slow motion but I was moving even slower. I got the whole mess to varying degrees on video. Beatle tumbled out and Birdie fell out. I got there right before the Jeep fully flipped right on top of Birdie. Oi-yoi-yoi! I'm telling's always an adventure around here.
Birdie's got 6 teeth now--4 on top and two on bottom. One of her top front teeth has grown in a few days later than the others so it's a shorty which makes for a cute, crazy little smile.
I finally found Birdie's go-to tickle spot. Other places have been mildly amusing but this one is bring-her-to-her-knees ticklish. It's so fun to constant be learning about these little people!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Snowing in the Shower and Other Ways to Torture your Young 'ens
Tonight was fun. I work the front desk at the Fitness Ministry a few hours a week, normally on Monday nights so BR's decided (with my prodding) that Monday's can be "Daddy Cooks Night". Brilliant, isn't it? Well, tonight he was whipping up pancakes when I came in and talked him into saving it for breakfast and going out for pizza. See how I worked that, ladies??? Two meals out of one man just like that! :)
We were all in a frisky, crazy mood tonight. You might even say that we were whoosing a little without licenses. :) Beatle was supposed to jump in the shower (for the third day in a row! a new record, people! i would give her a break but she keeps coming in smelling like an old dog.) but she kept goofing off and shaking her nekkid booty at me. So, when I finally got her in, I decided to whip out one of my specialties--you know, the cold water over the top of the shower. She was so mad at me! She was talking all big in there so I was going to take it one step further; all the while, BR's pleading with me, "Corrie, you're the adult. You can stop this." haha! I go and open an old box of malt-o-meal and sprinkle it over the top of the shower. hahaha!!! She was furious! Meanwhile, I've had some weevil issues I've been trying to fight with all my good stuff in the fridge/freezer and when I opened the shower door, I see Beatle seething, covered with white and black (weevil) specks. She forgives quicker than most.
During the past few days when I'd ask Beatle to do something, she'd reply in a valley girl voice, "Oh, huh, it would like be the thrill of my life." and roll her eyes. But, she'd go do it. I don't really care if it is or isn't the thrill of her life...NEWSFLASH: wiping Birdie's butt isn't the thrill of my life. trying to oxiclean the sharts out of her underware isn't the thrill of my life. there are a lot of things you're going to have to do that aren't the thrill of your life so JUST DO IT! haha! I'm not upset by this newfound expression yet, I'm still mildly amused by it.
I've been throwing sticky, cooked and unused pasta at my family for years now but the other night when we had lasagna we found out that those noodles are like leather straps after they've sat and cooled for awhile! Instead of pickin' switches, I might have my kids boil their noodles. :) This post, in it's totality, is making me sound really demented and cruel, but I swear, I'm making GOOD memories!
Tonight, during her prayers, Beatle was so cute. (Not many things in this world are as cute as kids' prayers! God must just love them!) She wasn't far into her prayer when she said, "God, I don't like you. (Long pause with my eyebrows shot sky high) I LOVE you. And Jesus, sometimes I get your name mixed up and call you your dad's, I'm sorry and I hope I'm doing it right this time. In Jesus Name, Amen" LOVE IT!
We were all in a frisky, crazy mood tonight. You might even say that we were whoosing a little without licenses. :) Beatle was supposed to jump in the shower (for the third day in a row! a new record, people! i would give her a break but she keeps coming in smelling like an old dog.) but she kept goofing off and shaking her nekkid booty at me. So, when I finally got her in, I decided to whip out one of my specialties--you know, the cold water over the top of the shower. She was so mad at me! She was talking all big in there so I was going to take it one step further; all the while, BR's pleading with me, "Corrie, you're the adult. You can stop this." haha! I go and open an old box of malt-o-meal and sprinkle it over the top of the shower. hahaha!!! She was furious! Meanwhile, I've had some weevil issues I've been trying to fight with all my good stuff in the fridge/freezer and when I opened the shower door, I see Beatle seething, covered with white and black (weevil) specks. She forgives quicker than most.
During the past few days when I'd ask Beatle to do something, she'd reply in a valley girl voice, "Oh, huh, it would like be the thrill of my life." and roll her eyes. But, she'd go do it. I don't really care if it is or isn't the thrill of her life...NEWSFLASH: wiping Birdie's butt isn't the thrill of my life. trying to oxiclean the sharts out of her underware isn't the thrill of my life. there are a lot of things you're going to have to do that aren't the thrill of your life so JUST DO IT! haha! I'm not upset by this newfound expression yet, I'm still mildly amused by it.
I've been throwing sticky, cooked and unused pasta at my family for years now but the other night when we had lasagna we found out that those noodles are like leather straps after they've sat and cooled for awhile! Instead of pickin' switches, I might have my kids boil their noodles. :) This post, in it's totality, is making me sound really demented and cruel, but I swear, I'm making GOOD memories!
Tonight, during her prayers, Beatle was so cute. (Not many things in this world are as cute as kids' prayers! God must just love them!) She wasn't far into her prayer when she said, "God, I don't like you. (Long pause with my eyebrows shot sky high) I LOVE you. And Jesus, sometimes I get your name mixed up and call you your dad's, I'm sorry and I hope I'm doing it right this time. In Jesus Name, Amen" LOVE IT!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Quick Blog before Swamp People!
It's been awhile since I've blogged. I've been so sick lately but I'm feeling better now--yay! Birdie didn't know what to do when she crawled after mom and mom was "spitting up" in the toilet. Hmm... Ewww. I know. BR and I were terrified that I was pregnant again but alas, not so. Too much, too soon.
BR's not going to the City of Lights/Love. He chickened out. No, I don't really know why. He felt like it was too last minute and while our church isn't suffering financially, we are striving to be fiscally responsible and BR didn't feel like he was being so to just jump into a trip with not much preparation, mostly for the experience on the church's dime. A collective "awwww, isn't he a great guy?" rings out. Yes, let the public believe what they will. :)
The other night, we were all (minus Birdie-she was in bed already) cuddling on the couch and I asked Beatle what she thought of our marriage. After a painful and eye-opening review, she had BR and I shaking with laughter. It was one of those times (like the church giggles) where you know if you breathe, you are in for it because it would just be a gasp and the jig would be up. Beatle was talking about how it drives her crazy when we..."What's that word when you pinch and poke someone?" "Goose?" I offered. "Yes! I hate goosing! It reminds me of whoosing and kids whoose all the time at school without a license...blah, blah, blah" She just kept going on about this "whoosing without a license" business and it was burning her up inside. We were dying!
Birdie's pulling up more and more. It's a matter of time before she starts "cruising" along the furniture. She's only just now 8 months! This is so much earlier than Beatle.
In true Roberts child fashion, Birdie is a happy, healthy baby until just days before we go home and see my mother then, like her older sister, something exceptionally traumatic happens that leaves a battlescar like some sort of cry for help from my dingy, careless parenting. Wonderful. Birdie was riding on one of those cars kids can pull up behind and push as well. Beatle and I were scooting her back and forth outside and all having fun but Beatle pushed her too hard and her legs kicked up and then she flew forward. Whew! That was a close one. "Beatle, don't push her that hard. Easy, please." I pleaded. A few more times and that plea went out the window; now my 8-month-old has road rash on her face and we're in OK by Thursday night. Awesome.
We're working on organizing our pictures. Yikes! What a chore. It's fun but it's a chore nonetheless. Sifting through those, it's easy to see many things: 1) we're a fun family and we've done some fun things 2) Birdie looks so much like Beatle! 3) time goes so fast!!!
BR's not going to the City of Lights/Love. He chickened out. No, I don't really know why. He felt like it was too last minute and while our church isn't suffering financially, we are striving to be fiscally responsible and BR didn't feel like he was being so to just jump into a trip with not much preparation, mostly for the experience on the church's dime. A collective "awwww, isn't he a great guy?" rings out. Yes, let the public believe what they will. :)
The other night, we were all (minus Birdie-she was in bed already) cuddling on the couch and I asked Beatle what she thought of our marriage. After a painful and eye-opening review, she had BR and I shaking with laughter. It was one of those times (like the church giggles) where you know if you breathe, you are in for it because it would just be a gasp and the jig would be up. Beatle was talking about how it drives her crazy when we..."What's that word when you pinch and poke someone?" "Goose?" I offered. "Yes! I hate goosing! It reminds me of whoosing and kids whoose all the time at school without a license...blah, blah, blah" She just kept going on about this "whoosing without a license" business and it was burning her up inside. We were dying!
Birdie's pulling up more and more. It's a matter of time before she starts "cruising" along the furniture. She's only just now 8 months! This is so much earlier than Beatle.
In true Roberts child fashion, Birdie is a happy, healthy baby until just days before we go home and see my mother then, like her older sister, something exceptionally traumatic happens that leaves a battlescar like some sort of cry for help from my dingy, careless parenting. Wonderful. Birdie was riding on one of those cars kids can pull up behind and push as well. Beatle and I were scooting her back and forth outside and all having fun but Beatle pushed her too hard and her legs kicked up and then she flew forward. Whew! That was a close one. "Beatle, don't push her that hard. Easy, please." I pleaded. A few more times and that plea went out the window; now my 8-month-old has road rash on her face and we're in OK by Thursday night. Awesome.
We're working on organizing our pictures. Yikes! What a chore. It's fun but it's a chore nonetheless. Sifting through those, it's easy to see many things: 1) we're a fun family and we've done some fun things 2) Birdie looks so much like Beatle! 3) time goes so fast!!!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
On My To-Day List...
(X) breakfast and Bible story with family. (BR and I talked about that nutso pastor who wants to burn the Quoran and our Bible lesson was about forgiving 70 x 7 which was an insightful and timely way to illustrate to Beatle that, as Christians, we need to forgive and be peaceful.)
(X) get BR and Beatle out the door--making sure they both brush their hair and teeth.
(X) go to a running class with the Stepford Wives (it was horrible and wonderful all at the same time. and when I refer to them as Stepford Wives, i truly do mean that in a nice way. they are beautiful, wonderful and warm women who aren't perfect but are pretty darn close!)
(X) find BR a flight to Paris for three weeks from now. (we have a mission team going and BR was showing interest for NEXT YEAR but they told him he should go this year if he could find a flight. now, he just has to decide if he really SHOULD go to the City of Love in a few weeks.)
( ) laundry (boo!)
( ) order my bestie's baby shower invitations (got to get those out by Saturday!)
( ) get and have installed gas fireplace we found on craig's list (i'm not sure if it's exactly what we were looking for but it's a steal and it's only 30 mins away.)
( ) pick up Beatle at 3
( ) make black bean burgers and have a cozy night with just the 4 of us (as much as we've enjoyed entertaining this week, it will be a nice break)
Oh, and not on my list but just a crazy moment: Last night, I was grabbing for the Benedryl before bed when the lid came loose and no less than 3,000 hot pink, candy-looking pills hit the floor, bouncing everywhere. It. was. insane. I wouldn't want them around for Beatle but now that Birdie is a crawling machine, I definitely had to do a thorough clean-up. BR helped in his own way; he stood there making sure none got away. :)
About my computer being sick, I'm not able to view some of your blogs! It's driving me crazy but I'll catch up when we get to scan this thing and get it running better.
(X) get BR and Beatle out the door--making sure they both brush their hair and teeth.
(X) go to a running class with the Stepford Wives (it was horrible and wonderful all at the same time. and when I refer to them as Stepford Wives, i truly do mean that in a nice way. they are beautiful, wonderful and warm women who aren't perfect but are pretty darn close!)
(X) find BR a flight to Paris for three weeks from now. (we have a mission team going and BR was showing interest for NEXT YEAR but they told him he should go this year if he could find a flight. now, he just has to decide if he really SHOULD go to the City of Love in a few weeks.)
( ) laundry (boo!)
( ) order my bestie's baby shower invitations (got to get those out by Saturday!)
( ) get and have installed gas fireplace we found on craig's list (i'm not sure if it's exactly what we were looking for but it's a steal and it's only 30 mins away.)
( ) pick up Beatle at 3
( ) make black bean burgers and have a cozy night with just the 4 of us (as much as we've enjoyed entertaining this week, it will be a nice break)
Oh, and not on my list but just a crazy moment: Last night, I was grabbing for the Benedryl before bed when the lid came loose and no less than 3,000 hot pink, candy-looking pills hit the floor, bouncing everywhere. It. was. insane. I wouldn't want them around for Beatle but now that Birdie is a crawling machine, I definitely had to do a thorough clean-up. BR helped in his own way; he stood there making sure none got away. :)
About my computer being sick, I'm not able to view some of your blogs! It's driving me crazy but I'll catch up when we get to scan this thing and get it running better.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
All the Homeroom Moms used to wear Tiaras
Beatle's been cracking us up lately! We were going thru every drawer, shelf and cupboard looking for excess things to sell in our yard sale (which was lucrative, btw). I found my tiara that I wore in my wedding 7 years ago. The colors were starting to change and I thought When will I ever wear this again? So, I gave it to Beatle. My mom would probably freak, but really, when would a 27-year-old woman wear a tiara??? It was probably ridiculous to even wear it 7 years ago. Anyways, she was thrilled and wore it a few times. The other day she came to the table with it on and asked us, "You know why I'm wearing this crown all the time?" Pause. We shake our heads no. "Because sometimes I think y'all forget that I'm the princess in this house." bahaha!
Talking about my wedding, my sister sent me a text this weekend saying that she was watching some old home movies right around the time of my wedding and sandwiched in betweeen all of the wedding festivities there was a movie that we made starring Suzy as "Snoog" just days before my wedding. haha! Shows you what my priorities were at the time. Then, there was a special rendition of a musical dance number from Chicago that we reinacted and recorded wearing some of the new pieces I got from my personal shower. bahaha! We look like Mormon Sister Wives. We just always loved to play no matter how old we were. I hope that for Beatle and Birdie.'s official. My life is turning into a stereotype. I'm a homeroom mom! I love it. Now, I just need to lose 30 lbs (or more!) and drive a Toyota Sienna.
Yesterday, I walked into Birdie's room when I heard she was up from her nap. I rounded the corner to find her STANDING up in her crib! It was an unbelivable suprise. She looked so proud of herself too. Cute, cute! It is a matter of time before she's walking. She's got an adventurous spirit. Beatle took her first steps at 14 months; Birdie will be sprinting by then.
I found a cute Halloween costume for Birdie at a consignment event in town. She's going to be a Cowgirl and Beatle is going to be an Indian (because, of course, she is one anyways). Can't wait to go trick-or-treating again this year. Last year was so much fun!
Last week, Birdie got her first ear infection and then broke out into a rash but we all got our first full night's sleep last night since the onset of the fever and craziness that comes with a sick kid. We've all been wearing a little thin. I think we've entered our "no kissing" season. Oh, I'll probably kiss them anyways even if they are germy as all get out.
Friday is Grandparent's Day at school. Our friends (and our AR parents), Danny and Connie Bryson, are going to be stand-ins for Beatle. I'm glad she'll have someone.
My computer's been on the fritz so no telling how active I'll be online. Love you all!
Talking about my wedding, my sister sent me a text this weekend saying that she was watching some old home movies right around the time of my wedding and sandwiched in betweeen all of the wedding festivities there was a movie that we made starring Suzy as "Snoog" just days before my wedding. haha! Shows you what my priorities were at the time. Then, there was a special rendition of a musical dance number from Chicago that we reinacted and recorded wearing some of the new pieces I got from my personal shower. bahaha! We look like Mormon Sister Wives. We just always loved to play no matter how old we were. I hope that for Beatle and Birdie.'s official. My life is turning into a stereotype. I'm a homeroom mom! I love it. Now, I just need to lose 30 lbs (or more!) and drive a Toyota Sienna.
Yesterday, I walked into Birdie's room when I heard she was up from her nap. I rounded the corner to find her STANDING up in her crib! It was an unbelivable suprise. She looked so proud of herself too. Cute, cute! It is a matter of time before she's walking. She's got an adventurous spirit. Beatle took her first steps at 14 months; Birdie will be sprinting by then.
I found a cute Halloween costume for Birdie at a consignment event in town. She's going to be a Cowgirl and Beatle is going to be an Indian (because, of course, she is one anyways). Can't wait to go trick-or-treating again this year. Last year was so much fun!
Last week, Birdie got her first ear infection and then broke out into a rash but we all got our first full night's sleep last night since the onset of the fever and craziness that comes with a sick kid. We've all been wearing a little thin. I think we've entered our "no kissing" season. Oh, I'll probably kiss them anyways even if they are germy as all get out.
Friday is Grandparent's Day at school. Our friends (and our AR parents), Danny and Connie Bryson, are going to be stand-ins for Beatle. I'm glad she'll have someone.
My computer's been on the fritz so no telling how active I'll be online. Love you all!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Oh, Rats!
Oh. My. Goodness. Anyone who's ever done a major purge of a yard sale knows what has consumed my time and energy this week. Egads. I'm going to love having this stuff gone and the extra cash but DANG these things take time. We haven't had a yard sale since Ft. Worth and that was two houses ago.
Have I blogged about the rats? Oh! The bloody rats! If I haven't blogged about them yet, I've intended to. We have a building behind our house and behind that is just some woods. Last winter, we had a rat who was having a hay-day out there just pissing and chewing on our treasures. We waged war and finally got him. Humph. The rat era had ended, hadn't it? NO! BR got a jeep about 5 months ago and we kept the van just in case for a few months. We had stored it under the carport by the building. It wasn't until my in-laws were in town and they encouraged us to move it out of there because critters could live in it. Could they? We went to go start it and move it the next night and when BR started it up a big, fat #$^&^@#$ rat ran out!!! We parked it up by the front of our house for the next few weeks while we were at camp and in OK. I wanted to take it to a mechanic before we sold it at the yard sale just to give it a good once over. The mechanic called me back and clued me in to how much damage the rats did--he said our two options were we could sell it for a few hundred dollars or donate it to a vo-tech. Are you kidding me??? The song Gunpowder and Lead came to my mind about those rats. "I'm going home, gonna load my shotgun. Sit on the porch and light a cigarette. They want a fight well now they've got one because they ain't seen me crazy yet..."
To rewind a little bit, after we saw the rat run out of the van in late July, BR set a trap in the building. When we came back from our August adventures, he went out to the building and didn't see the trap across the room anymore but smelled something nasty. As he stepped into the building, he stepped on something. It was the trap by the front door, the rat had gotten his arm trapped and dragged it across the building. Brent said it was a horrific sight. There were claw marks all over the trap and fur was everywhere from when the rat decided to escape under the door LEAVING HIS ARM IN THE TRAP! Ehhck! This is definitely a time when I'm thankful for boys! BR did the dirty work cleaning it all up but somewhere out there is a 3-legged rat and I have no pity for him.
Have I blogged about the rats? Oh! The bloody rats! If I haven't blogged about them yet, I've intended to. We have a building behind our house and behind that is just some woods. Last winter, we had a rat who was having a hay-day out there just pissing and chewing on our treasures. We waged war and finally got him. Humph. The rat era had ended, hadn't it? NO! BR got a jeep about 5 months ago and we kept the van just in case for a few months. We had stored it under the carport by the building. It wasn't until my in-laws were in town and they encouraged us to move it out of there because critters could live in it. Could they? We went to go start it and move it the next night and when BR started it up a big, fat #$^&^@#$ rat ran out!!! We parked it up by the front of our house for the next few weeks while we were at camp and in OK. I wanted to take it to a mechanic before we sold it at the yard sale just to give it a good once over. The mechanic called me back and clued me in to how much damage the rats did--he said our two options were we could sell it for a few hundred dollars or donate it to a vo-tech. Are you kidding me??? The song Gunpowder and Lead came to my mind about those rats. "I'm going home, gonna load my shotgun. Sit on the porch and light a cigarette. They want a fight well now they've got one because they ain't seen me crazy yet..."
To rewind a little bit, after we saw the rat run out of the van in late July, BR set a trap in the building. When we came back from our August adventures, he went out to the building and didn't see the trap across the room anymore but smelled something nasty. As he stepped into the building, he stepped on something. It was the trap by the front door, the rat had gotten his arm trapped and dragged it across the building. Brent said it was a horrific sight. There were claw marks all over the trap and fur was everywhere from when the rat decided to escape under the door LEAVING HIS ARM IN THE TRAP! Ehhck! This is definitely a time when I'm thankful for boys! BR did the dirty work cleaning it all up but somewhere out there is a 3-legged rat and I have no pity for him.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
My New Normal
Hehe. So...I'm better. My last post was definitely emotional and it didn't help that later that first day the bus was 30 minutes late bringing my bay-bee home. I was ready to issue an Amber Alert but things are better now; we've settled into a groove. I'm enjoying my time at home with Birdie knowing that Beatle is safe and sound at school. Plus, BR is keeping me hopping with all types of home improvement projects. The man is relentless when he gets something in his head! I told him that he's like Noah--out back (or in my living room lately) constructing away and although I may ridicule or not understand him at the time, in the end, I'm going to wish I was on the boat. For instance, he constructed the entryway bench/cubbies of my dreams with just $60 and a spark of creativity--using an old door and a waterbed frame he found at the Restore. It's been good for me to do something consuming while we get settled in this new routine.
Got some funny stories for ya. School is always prime material for Beatle's antics and her take on things. The mascot for Hot Springs is the Black and Gold Trojans. In P.E. their first day, they learned a chant and she came home and wanted to show us. B's version went a little something like this: "Gol-den Ro-dents (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap) Gol-den Ro-dents" Hysterical! There's also a kid in her class with a non-contagious condition where he has blisters all over his skin. :( Some other kid in her class was asking (in a rude way), "What is that? Chicken Pox?" B said, "I was sooo mad at him! I thought, 'Boy, you say that one more time and I'm going to blow you up, twist you into a balloon animal and pop you.'" bahaha! Never heard of that in my life but what a visual! Yesterday, I was telling her how proud I was that she hasn't gotten her name under the "sad face" side of the board yet. Well, she informed me that I spoke too soon. She asked, "I didn't know that karate wasn't allowed at school, did you?" My daughter got in trouble for showing a boy her Spongebob karate moves. After more investigating, she was supposed to be doing something else but she still swears that karate is NOT allowed at school. I'll take her word for it.
Yesterday was a very exciting day. I've let Beatle ride the bus home and I've picked her up--both experiences weren't great but she still really likes riding the bus so I'm still letting her (much to her father and Aunt Becky's dismay). Yesterday, I greeted her when she got off the bus and she whispered to me that she had something to tell me but didn't want to hurt DJ's feelings (older boy across the street) so she would wait until we got inside. As soon as the door shut, she had quite the tale to tell--all wide-eyed with lots of hand movements, she told me that a boy started a fight with DJ while they were in the gym waiting to be put on the bus. She said she was minding her own business when she felt the bleachers shaking and she turned around and the scuffle was right behind her. I can't even begin to do it justice but it was the most hilarious story I've heard her tell in awhile. You could tell she was wildly excited by all of the commotion she had just witnessed. BR's response to the story, "And that is exactly why I don't want my daughter riding the bus." :)
One of the days I did pick Beatle up, she got right in the car and quickly announced that her school is "st-ri-ct". She wanted a drink before they went to sit outside and wait on us but they wouldn't let her, citing they didn't have time. One of her friends' older brothers (a scrawny 5th grader with an anxiety disorder whom we LOVE) saw Beatle pining after a drink and offered to quickly help her get one but couldn't lift her up. I still crack up at the image of him, weighing only about 15 lbs more, struggling and trembling to lift her up in a moment of kids trying to stick it to the man but alas, his poor biceps failed and the man won again but there were whispers of defiance and promises of a bottled water after school the following day.
Gosh, I have still so many stories but for another time, I suppose!
Got some funny stories for ya. School is always prime material for Beatle's antics and her take on things. The mascot for Hot Springs is the Black and Gold Trojans. In P.E. their first day, they learned a chant and she came home and wanted to show us. B's version went a little something like this: "Gol-den Ro-dents (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap) Gol-den Ro-dents" Hysterical! There's also a kid in her class with a non-contagious condition where he has blisters all over his skin. :( Some other kid in her class was asking (in a rude way), "What is that? Chicken Pox?" B said, "I was sooo mad at him! I thought, 'Boy, you say that one more time and I'm going to blow you up, twist you into a balloon animal and pop you.'" bahaha! Never heard of that in my life but what a visual! Yesterday, I was telling her how proud I was that she hasn't gotten her name under the "sad face" side of the board yet. Well, she informed me that I spoke too soon. She asked, "I didn't know that karate wasn't allowed at school, did you?" My daughter got in trouble for showing a boy her Spongebob karate moves. After more investigating, she was supposed to be doing something else but she still swears that karate is NOT allowed at school. I'll take her word for it.
Yesterday was a very exciting day. I've let Beatle ride the bus home and I've picked her up--both experiences weren't great but she still really likes riding the bus so I'm still letting her (much to her father and Aunt Becky's dismay). Yesterday, I greeted her when she got off the bus and she whispered to me that she had something to tell me but didn't want to hurt DJ's feelings (older boy across the street) so she would wait until we got inside. As soon as the door shut, she had quite the tale to tell--all wide-eyed with lots of hand movements, she told me that a boy started a fight with DJ while they were in the gym waiting to be put on the bus. She said she was minding her own business when she felt the bleachers shaking and she turned around and the scuffle was right behind her. I can't even begin to do it justice but it was the most hilarious story I've heard her tell in awhile. You could tell she was wildly excited by all of the commotion she had just witnessed. BR's response to the story, "And that is exactly why I don't want my daughter riding the bus." :)
One of the days I did pick Beatle up, she got right in the car and quickly announced that her school is "st-ri-ct". She wanted a drink before they went to sit outside and wait on us but they wouldn't let her, citing they didn't have time. One of her friends' older brothers (a scrawny 5th grader with an anxiety disorder whom we LOVE) saw Beatle pining after a drink and offered to quickly help her get one but couldn't lift her up. I still crack up at the image of him, weighing only about 15 lbs more, struggling and trembling to lift her up in a moment of kids trying to stick it to the man but alas, his poor biceps failed and the man won again but there were whispers of defiance and promises of a bottled water after school the following day.
Gosh, I have still so many stories but for another time, I suppose!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Where do I sign up to be a part of the "Those Moms" club?
"My baby, my bay-bee!" That's all I could think as I rolled around on the living room floor sobbing. What the h3ll has happened to me??? I NEVER thought I'd be one of those moms. The more ridiculous I thought I was being, the tighter my throat got and the more the hot tears spilled out onto my cheeks. The first day of's been coming for 5 years. She's gone to daycare and preschool on and off for those 5 years. Why is this so different??? I have my theories but can't pinpoint one exactly as the culprit. Is it that our life will need to be more structured? Or that the teaching staff won't cater to her like they would in a preschool? Maybe that she has to carry her own lunch tray and open her milk? Could it be that it's not the little, Christian daycare we picked? Or she's not downstairs from her dad or across campus from me anymore? Maybe that we're on track to those years where her friends and what they say will be more important than her mom and dad? As I type this one, the cry-ball in the back of my throat gets bigger, it could be that the years will just fly by now--being a blur of different backpacks, extracurricular activities, and new friends. In a matter of moments, she'll be out of the house leaving me with only her school knicknacks, award certificates and those goofey school pictures (that kids can't help but have as their giant adult teeth are growing in) to comfort me. Women with kids, just wait. It's one big friggin' day no matter how tough you think you are.
Here's the unemotional overview:
Beatle was nervous leading up to this morning. She woke up like a champ though and was ready to go. I wouldn't say she was "excited" but she knew the day was upon us. I made us blueberry muffins but as the morning raced past I realized that even when I allowed for more time on this momentus day, it still wasn't enough. I absolutely hated that we were rushing through this morning. I wanted to avoid that at all costs but Beatle, like her dad, is a little slow-moving and I should have prepared for more time. I quickly French braided the side of her hair and she slipped into her "Indian" dress that has a feather necklace and some new moccasins to compliment--she felt very ethnic and so proud of her new outfit. (She's SO into being 1/16 Creek Indian! In fact, when she tried this dress on at Penney's she was pretending to give autographs to her fellow Kindergarteners because she just knew that they would be so impressed. :) It only helped that when her Grandma was checking out, we saw a girl who had way more Indian blood in her buying the same dress. It sealed the deal!) When it was all said and done, we made it in time(ish) and I got all of the pictures I wanted but it was stressful (but I was just a ball of nerves anyways). She went and sat down in her class with no tears or hesitation. We stuck around for awhile (it was a family affair) but, I'm proud to say I wasn't the last parent to leave and acted really brave in front of Beatle. Now, we wait until 3:40. I'm letting her ride the bus home which BR and my mom aren't exactly supportive of that idea but she really, really wanted to and I thought that on the first day, they are going to make extra sure that the little ones get on the right but and sit at the front. Plus, surely everyone will be on pretty good behavior the first day. (Right???) Lastly, I think Beatle will realize that the bus is hot, stinky and not that much fun right off the bat and she'll be happy to be a car-rider from this point on. That's my logic anyways but my tummy's going to be filled with butterflies until I see her get off that bus!
Here's the unemotional overview:
Beatle was nervous leading up to this morning. She woke up like a champ though and was ready to go. I wouldn't say she was "excited" but she knew the day was upon us. I made us blueberry muffins but as the morning raced past I realized that even when I allowed for more time on this momentus day, it still wasn't enough. I absolutely hated that we were rushing through this morning. I wanted to avoid that at all costs but Beatle, like her dad, is a little slow-moving and I should have prepared for more time. I quickly French braided the side of her hair and she slipped into her "Indian" dress that has a feather necklace and some new moccasins to compliment--she felt very ethnic and so proud of her new outfit. (She's SO into being 1/16 Creek Indian! In fact, when she tried this dress on at Penney's she was pretending to give autographs to her fellow Kindergarteners because she just knew that they would be so impressed. :) It only helped that when her Grandma was checking out, we saw a girl who had way more Indian blood in her buying the same dress. It sealed the deal!) When it was all said and done, we made it in time(ish) and I got all of the pictures I wanted but it was stressful (but I was just a ball of nerves anyways). She went and sat down in her class with no tears or hesitation. We stuck around for awhile (it was a family affair) but, I'm proud to say I wasn't the last parent to leave and acted really brave in front of Beatle. Now, we wait until 3:40. I'm letting her ride the bus home which BR and my mom aren't exactly supportive of that idea but she really, really wanted to and I thought that on the first day, they are going to make extra sure that the little ones get on the right but and sit at the front. Plus, surely everyone will be on pretty good behavior the first day. (Right???) Lastly, I think Beatle will realize that the bus is hot, stinky and not that much fun right off the bat and she'll be happy to be a car-rider from this point on. That's my logic anyways but my tummy's going to be filled with butterflies until I see her get off that bus!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
A Kindergarten Group Picture and 32 Stitches Have What in Common?
This morning, a friend of ours hosted a Kindergarten Kickoff swim party at the Country Club. We were very excited to's not everyday you get invited to something besides a birthday party! I love celebrating special moments in life! I got kind of choked up when they all got together for their group picture but not for the reason most mom's would. Obviously, it was a surreal moment when they got together just to notice how much they've grown since we moved here two summers ago but more than that, it made me think of my childhood. I grew up in the same house and went to the same school my whole life. Some of these parents will be showing this picture at their kids' Senior Slideshow or putting it in their Senior yearbooks. Will this group of kids be looking at this picture someday and be thinking to themselves about Beatle, "Who is that girl?"
We're obviously happy where we are at the moment and feel like we'll be here awhile but we have no guarantees that we'll be here until she graduates High School. It kind of broke my heart that, as much as I loved my childhood, I'm probably not going to be able to give the same thing to Beatle and Birdie.
I remember some seminary friends talking to us about how it was defintely a step in grieving, after they surrendered to become missionaries, that they would never have the ideal American, white-picket fence life for themselves and their future children. They adjusted to that idea and they have been in India for three years now. I just got an email from them referencing an incident where their toddler fell and gashed his head (32 stitches!) and they were waiting an impossibly long time in their car on the way to the hospital for a giant herd of goats to cross the road. Definitely not what she probably imagined her life to be like when she was growing up! When you are young though it's en vouge to be adventurous but as you get a little older and have kids most people slow down and want to plant roots. I feel like my heart walks a line in Hot Springs of planting roots here and knowing we might be called to uproot someday. I wished my heart could just let go, settle and connect 100%...maybe that is the reason why I got asked if I was happy a lot in OK. Maybe my family could just sense that in me...I don't know. Anyways, Thursday's the big day for Beatle. Tomorrow night is Open House. Exciting times in the life of the Robertses.
I feel like my last two blogs have been incessant ramblings because of all the interruptions I get while blogging! :) Even from BR when I do it at night. Oh well! Such is the life of a mother.
We're obviously happy where we are at the moment and feel like we'll be here awhile but we have no guarantees that we'll be here until she graduates High School. It kind of broke my heart that, as much as I loved my childhood, I'm probably not going to be able to give the same thing to Beatle and Birdie.
I remember some seminary friends talking to us about how it was defintely a step in grieving, after they surrendered to become missionaries, that they would never have the ideal American, white-picket fence life for themselves and their future children. They adjusted to that idea and they have been in India for three years now. I just got an email from them referencing an incident where their toddler fell and gashed his head (32 stitches!) and they were waiting an impossibly long time in their car on the way to the hospital for a giant herd of goats to cross the road. Definitely not what she probably imagined her life to be like when she was growing up! When you are young though it's en vouge to be adventurous but as you get a little older and have kids most people slow down and want to plant roots. I feel like my heart walks a line in Hot Springs of planting roots here and knowing we might be called to uproot someday. I wished my heart could just let go, settle and connect 100%...maybe that is the reason why I got asked if I was happy a lot in OK. Maybe my family could just sense that in me...I don't know. Anyways, Thursday's the big day for Beatle. Tomorrow night is Open House. Exciting times in the life of the Robertses.
I feel like my last two blogs have been incessant ramblings because of all the interruptions I get while blogging! :) Even from BR when I do it at night. Oh well! Such is the life of a mother.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Happy--It's a relative term, isn't it???
Just blew back into town from my wonderful 2 week playcation in Oklahoma. It was delightful! There's nothing like visiting familiar places, old friends and nutty family to give you a special warmth in your heart as only it can. Yes, I get warm fuzzies; however, as I reflect on the trip, I also see flashes of many different people asking me basically the same question, "Are you happy?"
Either I'm one of those sour-pussed Christians, a bad communicator, or really NOT happy for several different people who know me well to ask me that and I'd really like to be NONE of the things listed previously.
Each time I was asked it was like I was caught off-guard, not really knowing how to answer so I'm going to put my thoughts together more carefully than I did in person and answer here for my own sake.
"Corrie doesn't seem happy so I want to take her to dinner to find out if she's really happy." "Tell me why you're in Hot Springs. I need to know you are there for a reason. Are you happy there?"
"Yes! I am happy! Thank you for being concerned with my welfare but I am completely satisfied. I've never been this satisfied with myself actually and have been marveling in it recently. For the first time ever, I'm comfortable in my skin, LOVE what I'm doing day-in and day-out, and am generally happy with who I am and where I am. But, as a Christian, I know that life's not even about happiness. Nor is it all about being understood. It's so much bigger than that! I'd rather live my life faithful to the Most High King than be understood by family and friends as painful as that might be. When He says "Go", I wanna go no matter where. If life were all about my personal happiness, then I would be back in Oklahoma for good--dumping my kids off on my parents when the weekend came and whooping it up with my friends every bloody weekend. When I did a little dumping and whooping on my playcation, I didn't once think of anyone besides myself. Some people can minister close to home, but for me, my tendency is too selfish right now. I'd want to be self-serving instead of serving others.
With our life in Hot Springs, do I have everything that I want in this world? No, but I have everything I need and I count my blessings all the time. Do I get to do everthing I want to? No, but I know that exercising a little self-control is definitely something that I need practice at. Do I miss having family and friends around? Of course! But I'd like to think that our little family unit has grown closer, visits to home sweeter and made me more self-reliant. Do I act or talk like I used to? I hope not! I hope that I filter what comes out of my mouth a lot more than I used to. I don't like hurting people and saying "I'm sorry" all the time. I want more of Him and less of me -- and if that makes me boring in your eyes or you think I've changed, I have and that's ok...being a little more reserved doesn't hurt people as much."
It means a lot to me that people care enough to show concern for me and want things to feel right in my eyes and I don't know if I have really worded my answer as eloquently as I had hoped but my prayer is that everyone would realize that life here on this earth is more about our self-serving happiness and the flush (that's Beatle's version of the "flesh". i have yet to correct her because it's so stinking cute.) but all about Jesus Christ and what we can do as His servants! Would you ask a servant if he were happy? Probably not because he's been committed to one master and the servant doesn't have any control besides showing up for duty in the mornings. I take that back--he does have another choice, he can smile or not while he works. People, I'm smiling!!! But I'll smile a little bigger after all these inquiries. :)
Either I'm one of those sour-pussed Christians, a bad communicator, or really NOT happy for several different people who know me well to ask me that and I'd really like to be NONE of the things listed previously.
Each time I was asked it was like I was caught off-guard, not really knowing how to answer so I'm going to put my thoughts together more carefully than I did in person and answer here for my own sake.
"Corrie doesn't seem happy so I want to take her to dinner to find out if she's really happy." "Tell me why you're in Hot Springs. I need to know you are there for a reason. Are you happy there?"
"Yes! I am happy! Thank you for being concerned with my welfare but I am completely satisfied. I've never been this satisfied with myself actually and have been marveling in it recently. For the first time ever, I'm comfortable in my skin, LOVE what I'm doing day-in and day-out, and am generally happy with who I am and where I am. But, as a Christian, I know that life's not even about happiness. Nor is it all about being understood. It's so much bigger than that! I'd rather live my life faithful to the Most High King than be understood by family and friends as painful as that might be. When He says "Go", I wanna go no matter where. If life were all about my personal happiness, then I would be back in Oklahoma for good--dumping my kids off on my parents when the weekend came and whooping it up with my friends every bloody weekend. When I did a little dumping and whooping on my playcation, I didn't once think of anyone besides myself. Some people can minister close to home, but for me, my tendency is too selfish right now. I'd want to be self-serving instead of serving others.
With our life in Hot Springs, do I have everything that I want in this world? No, but I have everything I need and I count my blessings all the time. Do I get to do everthing I want to? No, but I know that exercising a little self-control is definitely something that I need practice at. Do I miss having family and friends around? Of course! But I'd like to think that our little family unit has grown closer, visits to home sweeter and made me more self-reliant. Do I act or talk like I used to? I hope not! I hope that I filter what comes out of my mouth a lot more than I used to. I don't like hurting people and saying "I'm sorry" all the time. I want more of Him and less of me -- and if that makes me boring in your eyes or you think I've changed, I have and that's ok...being a little more reserved doesn't hurt people as much."
It means a lot to me that people care enough to show concern for me and want things to feel right in my eyes and I don't know if I have really worded my answer as eloquently as I had hoped but my prayer is that everyone would realize that life here on this earth is more about our self-serving happiness and the flush (that's Beatle's version of the "flesh". i have yet to correct her because it's so stinking cute.) but all about Jesus Christ and what we can do as His servants! Would you ask a servant if he were happy? Probably not because he's been committed to one master and the servant doesn't have any control besides showing up for duty in the mornings. I take that back--he does have another choice, he can smile or not while he works. People, I'm smiling!!! But I'll smile a little bigger after all these inquiries. :)
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Marriage on my Mind
We're in Oklahoma right now because my best friend eloped and had her reception last Saturday and BR's best friend is having his wedding and reception this coming Saturday. Also, BR's parents celebrated their 37th anniversary yesterday. Our thoughts are with friends abroad who are celebrating their 3rd and 4th anniversaries this week and next week BR and I celebrate our 7th. Folks, we are feasting on a giant love sandwhich this week--extra goopy, schmoopy love please but hold the strife. We are loving love! Weddings are so optimistic and promising; I think that's why most people really like them. However, anyone married longer than a week knows that it's a challenge blending two people, two identities and two families.
I gave a toast at my best friend's wedding reception and I thought that I'd include it on this blog since marriage is on my mind a lot this week.
T.J. and Emily,
Thank you for letting us all celebrate this day with you two. I’m so very happy to be a part of such a special occasion.
For a few years when I was younger, I earnestly prayed for a best friend. God answered my prayers in Emily. Throughout Jr. High and High School, I felt shielded from the typical school experiences because I had Emily. We didn’t feel like we had to conform to anything because we had each other. T.J. and Emily, I hope that for you two—that despite the world’s static around you, you can both stand on the foundation of Christ and be insulated, totally content with each other.
T.J., I can speak from experience, you are getting a wonderful best friend. Emily does grace and forgiveness exceptionally well. She is, of course, very funny and truly sincere. She is spontaneous and up for anything fun. Emily is cautious with heart matters though and doesn’t give her heart away very easily but, when she does, she’s all in. And T.J., she’s chosen to give it to you.
Drawing from my wells of wisdom, I don’t really have anything profound or insightful to say about marriage but I do know where to look to find those things. It’s my opinion, and as I look around the room I see others who would agree, that the keys to a truly happy, fulfilling and lasting marriage are found in the Bible.
I’ve heard it said that marriage isn’t to be a picture of happiness but rather a picture of holiness. I wish you both happy times ahead; I do, but as you know, emotions are fickle. All through out scripture we, as Christians, are given instructions to die to self, put others first and to forgive quickly. I’m willing to say that there is no one else you will do that for more than each other. There will be days where it will be tiresome to do those things or foolish pride may get in the way but I encourage you two to work at those Godly principles all of the time. Not only will it draw you closer to the Lord and but it can’t help but bring you closer to each other as well.
After Peter writes about the relationship between husband and wife in third chapter of 1st Peter, he has a final thought in verses 8 and 9. “To sum up, all of you be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted and humble in spirit, not returning evil for evil or insult for insult but giving a blessing instead for you were called for the very purpose that you might inherit a blessing.” I can’t help but think that a blessing from living like that would be a rich and holy marriage bringing years of joy to you both.
Emily, I love you and am filled with gladness for you today. T.J., I am looking forward to watching you guide your family and getting to know you better over the years.
Let’s take a moment to raise our glasses showing our commitment to encourage and support the union of T.J. and Emily. Congratulations!
I gave a toast at my best friend's wedding reception and I thought that I'd include it on this blog since marriage is on my mind a lot this week.
T.J. and Emily,
Thank you for letting us all celebrate this day with you two. I’m so very happy to be a part of such a special occasion.
For a few years when I was younger, I earnestly prayed for a best friend. God answered my prayers in Emily. Throughout Jr. High and High School, I felt shielded from the typical school experiences because I had Emily. We didn’t feel like we had to conform to anything because we had each other. T.J. and Emily, I hope that for you two—that despite the world’s static around you, you can both stand on the foundation of Christ and be insulated, totally content with each other.
T.J., I can speak from experience, you are getting a wonderful best friend. Emily does grace and forgiveness exceptionally well. She is, of course, very funny and truly sincere. She is spontaneous and up for anything fun. Emily is cautious with heart matters though and doesn’t give her heart away very easily but, when she does, she’s all in. And T.J., she’s chosen to give it to you.
Drawing from my wells of wisdom, I don’t really have anything profound or insightful to say about marriage but I do know where to look to find those things. It’s my opinion, and as I look around the room I see others who would agree, that the keys to a truly happy, fulfilling and lasting marriage are found in the Bible.
I’ve heard it said that marriage isn’t to be a picture of happiness but rather a picture of holiness. I wish you both happy times ahead; I do, but as you know, emotions are fickle. All through out scripture we, as Christians, are given instructions to die to self, put others first and to forgive quickly. I’m willing to say that there is no one else you will do that for more than each other. There will be days where it will be tiresome to do those things or foolish pride may get in the way but I encourage you two to work at those Godly principles all of the time. Not only will it draw you closer to the Lord and but it can’t help but bring you closer to each other as well.
After Peter writes about the relationship between husband and wife in third chapter of 1st Peter, he has a final thought in verses 8 and 9. “To sum up, all of you be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted and humble in spirit, not returning evil for evil or insult for insult but giving a blessing instead for you were called for the very purpose that you might inherit a blessing.” I can’t help but think that a blessing from living like that would be a rich and holy marriage bringing years of joy to you both.
Emily, I love you and am filled with gladness for you today. T.J., I am looking forward to watching you guide your family and getting to know you better over the years.
Let’s take a moment to raise our glasses showing our commitment to encourage and support the union of T.J. and Emily. Congratulations!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Soul Sisters
I bit off way more than I could chew taking a 6 month old to camp! What was I thinking? It was my adventurous spirit, I guess. That same adventurous spirit didn't help me pack very well to accommodate these ridiculous surroundings for a baby. I had been at camp all of 6 hours and was exhausted and ready to pack it up. My 2 1/2 foot clearance on my bunk bed didn't lend itself to feeding Birdie on it nor did the community sinks provide a very sanitary place to make the bottles. My need for help, however, wasn't lacking...definitely, not lacking. I was bombarded by 3rd-6th graders vying for a chance to hold Birdie, burp Birdie, feed Birdie, etc. It was a little more than both of us could handle. As for Beatle, she's in her element. I went to BR at dinner and told him I was ready to pack it up when he told me that the camp directors already thought I was nuts and had offered a room separate from the cabin for me and the girls to stay in. Yay! I felt guilty but at least I was able to stay and for good reason...
Beatle became a Christian on Tuesday night!!! With all of her little heart, she believes! Let me preface this by noting some of the things the Spirit has been doing in her life before camp. This summer, she has been to two Vacation Bible Schools and learned the ABCs of the faith. Then, her grandpa was preparing to preach a funeral her last few days with them in Oklahoma. She came home with lots of questions about heaven. I looked up some scripture about what John tells us heaven will be like from his accounting in Revelations and shared it with her. We looked the stones we couldn't identify up on the Internet and that got her asking lots of questions about how certain people in our family died and then she kept talking about how she just couldn't wait to go to heaven. Then, this previous weekend, she kept breaking down and getting all upset and emotional. I couldn't figure it out; that's just not like her. When BR or I would ask her why, she'd just say that she was a bad person and "kept feeling like everything was her fault." BR was sensitive enough to realize that he thought the Spirit was unveiling her eyes to the fact that she sins. He shared some scripture with her to help her understand that everyone sins but God still loves us. Then on Sunday, her best friend's big brother and sister got baptized. She normally doesn't go to big church with us but did this week because grandparents were in town and she wanted to stick with them so she got to witness the baptism. Charley told me later that Beatle came up to her that day and said, "I saw you get baptized." Then Charley asked, "Have you made the decision to be a Christian yet?" And Beatle said, "Not yet but I'm really, really thinking about it." :)
On Tuesday night, when it was time for invitation at camp, BR had several boys approach him so I stood up with Birdie in my arms just to be available and as I went to take his place, Beatle came to the back of the sanctuary. I got to lead her to the Lord. It was an awesome experience!!! She was ready. She knew in her head these stories but now she's feeling them in her heart. I had never really heard of anyone accepting the Lord at 5 but one of our dear friends who is an amazing example of a Godly wife and mother shared with us that she did too. Beatle may question her decision when she gets older but already I see proof of the Spirit at work in her heart and she's changing from being me-centered to God-centered. I love this!!! One of the best years at camp for that very reason--our daughter came to know the Lord in a very personal way.
Tomorrow, we go to Oklahoma. I haven't been home in 6 months. I'm ready. :)
Also, we registered Beatle for Kindergarten today--it was a trip to do all of this paperwork to enroll my child into a school in Hot Springs, AR of all places. I know it's not Bangkok, Thailand or anything but compared to the rest of my family, this is pretty far out there. We got a bus number (should we need it), an account with the cafeteria and found out who her teacher is. It is the one and only Mrs. Bettis! She's not in the same class with her best friend but we've prayed about who she should get and have had such delightful conversations with Mrs. Bettis that I think it will be an excellent fit. God puts us in certain places for a reason and I think it will be a wonderful year of growth for Beatle.
Beatle became a Christian on Tuesday night!!! With all of her little heart, she believes! Let me preface this by noting some of the things the Spirit has been doing in her life before camp. This summer, she has been to two Vacation Bible Schools and learned the ABCs of the faith. Then, her grandpa was preparing to preach a funeral her last few days with them in Oklahoma. She came home with lots of questions about heaven. I looked up some scripture about what John tells us heaven will be like from his accounting in Revelations and shared it with her. We looked the stones we couldn't identify up on the Internet and that got her asking lots of questions about how certain people in our family died and then she kept talking about how she just couldn't wait to go to heaven. Then, this previous weekend, she kept breaking down and getting all upset and emotional. I couldn't figure it out; that's just not like her. When BR or I would ask her why, she'd just say that she was a bad person and "kept feeling like everything was her fault." BR was sensitive enough to realize that he thought the Spirit was unveiling her eyes to the fact that she sins. He shared some scripture with her to help her understand that everyone sins but God still loves us. Then on Sunday, her best friend's big brother and sister got baptized. She normally doesn't go to big church with us but did this week because grandparents were in town and she wanted to stick with them so she got to witness the baptism. Charley told me later that Beatle came up to her that day and said, "I saw you get baptized." Then Charley asked, "Have you made the decision to be a Christian yet?" And Beatle said, "Not yet but I'm really, really thinking about it." :)
On Tuesday night, when it was time for invitation at camp, BR had several boys approach him so I stood up with Birdie in my arms just to be available and as I went to take his place, Beatle came to the back of the sanctuary. I got to lead her to the Lord. It was an awesome experience!!! She was ready. She knew in her head these stories but now she's feeling them in her heart. I had never really heard of anyone accepting the Lord at 5 but one of our dear friends who is an amazing example of a Godly wife and mother shared with us that she did too. Beatle may question her decision when she gets older but already I see proof of the Spirit at work in her heart and she's changing from being me-centered to God-centered. I love this!!! One of the best years at camp for that very reason--our daughter came to know the Lord in a very personal way.
Tomorrow, we go to Oklahoma. I haven't been home in 6 months. I'm ready. :)
Also, we registered Beatle for Kindergarten today--it was a trip to do all of this paperwork to enroll my child into a school in Hot Springs, AR of all places. I know it's not Bangkok, Thailand or anything but compared to the rest of my family, this is pretty far out there. We got a bus number (should we need it), an account with the cafeteria and found out who her teacher is. It is the one and only Mrs. Bettis! She's not in the same class with her best friend but we've prayed about who she should get and have had such delightful conversations with Mrs. Bettis that I think it will be an excellent fit. God puts us in certain places for a reason and I think it will be a wonderful year of growth for Beatle.
Monday, July 26, 2010
My morning cup of coffee is becoming increasingly important to me. I now understand when people say, "You caught me before my first cup." and other goofy things like that. It's pretty pathetic. What's even more ridiculous is that I "can't" even brew my own pot of coffee. I mean, sure, if someone held a gun to my head I could figure it out and I would even brew a pot every so often at work but here at home my brewing skills have gone awry. Plus, the way I figure it, BR got me hooked on the junk so he's my supplier now.
Birdie's all over the place. She's sitting up, rolling everywhere and "creeping" to where she wants to go. We're all going to camp in a few hours so this should be interesting--I haven't taken a baby to camp before. Last week, we celebrated Birdie's half-birthday at Chuck E. Cheese in Little Rock. We had to go to LR for BR to get fitted for a groomsmen tux so we just saw it as a good opportunity for us (minus Birdie) to eat cupcakes and demonstrate our Skee-Ball skills.
As usual, I'm forgetting some of the awesome things that Beatle has said and done in the last few days. No good. I'll have to get better at jotting them down before blogging.
We come home from camp on Thursday to register Beatle for Kindergarten and then have a 24 hour turn around before we leave for Oklahoma to celebrate the two weddings of our closest friends. The girls and I are staying in OK for almost 2 weeks. It'll be a lot fun!
Birdie's all over the place. She's sitting up, rolling everywhere and "creeping" to where she wants to go. We're all going to camp in a few hours so this should be interesting--I haven't taken a baby to camp before. Last week, we celebrated Birdie's half-birthday at Chuck E. Cheese in Little Rock. We had to go to LR for BR to get fitted for a groomsmen tux so we just saw it as a good opportunity for us (minus Birdie) to eat cupcakes and demonstrate our Skee-Ball skills.
As usual, I'm forgetting some of the awesome things that Beatle has said and done in the last few days. No good. I'll have to get better at jotting them down before blogging.
We come home from camp on Thursday to register Beatle for Kindergarten and then have a 24 hour turn around before we leave for Oklahoma to celebrate the two weddings of our closest friends. The girls and I are staying in OK for almost 2 weeks. It'll be a lot fun!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Trips, Teeth and Toots
We had a really good trip to Arlington. I LOVE PRE-TEENS. They are so much fun and still care what you think. (Is it wrong that my new best friend is a 12-year-old? Seriously, we bonded. I'll just pretend I'm her mentor.) It was really fun being back in TX again--brought back a lot of good memories.

Two noteworthy things about the mission trip: I was really stretched on this trip and I've decided I'm not going on any more. No, but seriously, let's talk about the "stretching" part first. Anyone who's ever played Scruples with me knows that me and the "special" folks don't really get along. Amanda, you know. My heart hasn't really been bent to their plight in a tangible, let-me-get-my-hands-dirty sort of way and I've had some crazy (and scary!) run-ins with them before. Well, for our afternoon VBS, I could see Dasani coming a mile away. First thing I noticed was he wasn't holding his hands right and then, when he got closer, I saw him drooling. Who did he hone in on? Me. If I was ever concerned, I knew that I was definitely going to heaven after letting him pull me around the playground for 2 hours and feeling his drool spill over onto my hand. The second day, he was already waiting for us on the playground in the Texas heat. He found me again and, honestly, I was really dreading another afternoon with him. He was a total animal lover and knew where every inside cat liked to perch or where every dog had their crate. We even spent about 30 minutes stalking a friendly squirrel. I decided to take the opportunity, knowing full well that while he may not be able to comprehend the full lesson we were teaching, I could get him to remember that God loves Dasani and God made Dasani. If you've seen "Up" you'll understand why that wasn't the best time to start introducing those thoughts. "Who loves Dasani?" "Squirrel!" "Who made Dasani?" "Squirrel!" :) Every day, I spoke his "language" a little better; learned what he liked and didn't like, heck, even the last day I pulled his baggy shorts up off the ground when they dropped three times. Awkward and hilarious! But, you know what he finally remembered that last day when I asked? God loves Dasani and God made him, too. I learned so much from him and really stretched as a person. Thank you, God for using Sani to change my stupid heart. And, about me not going any more, I'm definitely considering it because while my heart is good, I seem to make at least one mortal enemy on every mission trip I go on and I don't know if it's worth it anymore. It takes someone with the patience of Job (or Brent) to live in tight quarters with me for a week--no matter how nice and relaxed I think I'm being. (Let me just clarify one thing though: To the kids, there is no one cooler than Ms. Corrie.) :)
Sad story: Beatle got a bad ear infection while in Oklahoma. I felt a little helpless being 3 hours away and no car to get to her. Honestly, I'd rather it be her than Birdie just because she could communicate with the grandparents what was going on. But, she's already feeling better so I'm glad.
Tonight, I play the role of a life time...THE TOOTH FAIRY! Yes, Dr. Lance pulled her baby tooth and it wasn't as terrifying as she had anticipated. The second pic was taken right after it was pulled so it's still a little bloody (also, I got some good video footage that would rival David)...

She thanked me after her prayers tonight because she said that I made the day special. Do you hear that??? It's the sound of my heart warming. Cheesy, I know. Oh, also, if anyone needs a good gift for a girl this age, look for "The Tooth Fairy Tale" at Hallmark. It's such a cute book and comes with a little pillow to put the tooth in.
I'm going out with this story: We are smack-dab in between camps so I had nothing for us to eat this morning. I threw some prunes and graham crackers at Beatle before we left to go work out. We were talking about prunes and reminisced about how they made her just absolutely rip toots at our friends' Amanda and TJ's house when we visited. I was mortified. She was concerned it would happen while she was at the gym but then we talked about how it takes a few hours for them to fully get through her system. "Well, that can just be my alarm clock for the afternoon then."
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Blasting Off
Alright...we are fixing to roll out with the preteens. Destination: Arlington, TX for a great week of mission work. I'm doing the last sweep through of the house making sure we've gotten everything and about to turn off the computer but it's kind of boring when you get the house nice and tidy but have a few minutes to spare. God forbid I dirty any dishes or throw anything away in the trash that could be stinky in a week. The girls are in OK with their grandparents having fun. This sure beats last summer when Beatle and I were left behind.
Some funny things Beatle has said recently:
She was raving about my cooking. "Mom, you sure make some good, good fried chicken." was ribs. Maybe just a simple case of mistaken identity?
Then, (I've already told you this Momo) I was tossing Birdie up in the air (probably pretty recklessly according to most mature adults) and we were having lots of fun. Beatle said, "Mom, what if you didn't catch her?" I told her how they would probably have some questions for me at the hospital and how I'd probably get in trouble. With our foster care endeavors, she knows that sometimes when parents get in trouble, their kids go live somewhere else for a little while. She loyally announced that if she got taken away, she'd "poop in their butts!" hahaha!!!! What??? "Oh, I mean, I'd poop in my pants." hahaha!!!
She "donked" her tooth when she was 18 mos old. It "died" and turned gray but it's had some more issues lately so we went to the dentist Friday and he recommended we pull it. He thinks she hit it again somehow and it's really just a sick tooth that we don't want to get any sicker and cause her pain if it abcesses. So, a week from this Tuesday, the tooth fairy comes to visit the Roberts house for the very first time!
Birdie will be turning 6 mos while we are apart. It's so crazy! 6 months ago, I went through heck after having her and couldn't even imagine being/feeling normal again but I've bounced right back (as most women do) and can barely remember that crazy day. When Beatle turned 6 mos, I had a little party and made a big deal about it. This time, it came so fast--I realized last week that I'm still trying to cram her into 0-3 mos clothes! She's still 2 mos old in my mind! (Which completely explains why my body still looks like this...until I remember how old she really is. Bummer! No more excuses.) Children are such treasures! And, it's crazy to think back on this time last year when it was just me and Beatle here at the house while BR was gone to TX. Birdie was just a little gummy bear in my tummy but we didn't know her yet and all of the joy she's brought to our home.
It's time to blast off! Keep us in your prayers if you think of us this week. It's a good group we are taking and we're ready to tell some kids about Christ! (and ride Superman: Tower of Power)
Some funny things Beatle has said recently:
She was raving about my cooking. "Mom, you sure make some good, good fried chicken." was ribs. Maybe just a simple case of mistaken identity?
Then, (I've already told you this Momo) I was tossing Birdie up in the air (probably pretty recklessly according to most mature adults) and we were having lots of fun. Beatle said, "Mom, what if you didn't catch her?" I told her how they would probably have some questions for me at the hospital and how I'd probably get in trouble. With our foster care endeavors, she knows that sometimes when parents get in trouble, their kids go live somewhere else for a little while. She loyally announced that if she got taken away, she'd "poop in their butts!" hahaha!!!! What??? "Oh, I mean, I'd poop in my pants." hahaha!!!
She "donked" her tooth when she was 18 mos old. It "died" and turned gray but it's had some more issues lately so we went to the dentist Friday and he recommended we pull it. He thinks she hit it again somehow and it's really just a sick tooth that we don't want to get any sicker and cause her pain if it abcesses. So, a week from this Tuesday, the tooth fairy comes to visit the Roberts house for the very first time!
Birdie will be turning 6 mos while we are apart. It's so crazy! 6 months ago, I went through heck after having her and couldn't even imagine being/feeling normal again but I've bounced right back (as most women do) and can barely remember that crazy day. When Beatle turned 6 mos, I had a little party and made a big deal about it. This time, it came so fast--I realized last week that I'm still trying to cram her into 0-3 mos clothes! She's still 2 mos old in my mind! (Which completely explains why my body still looks like this...until I remember how old she really is. Bummer! No more excuses.) Children are such treasures! And, it's crazy to think back on this time last year when it was just me and Beatle here at the house while BR was gone to TX. Birdie was just a little gummy bear in my tummy but we didn't know her yet and all of the joy she's brought to our home.
It's time to blast off! Keep us in your prayers if you think of us this week. It's a good group we are taking and we're ready to tell some kids about Christ! (and ride Superman: Tower of Power)
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
Boy, oh Girl!
Just ordered family pictures! Yay! We had these pictures taken some time ago...dare I say, the beginning of May? The photog took almost a month to edit and upload (she's semi-professional and has a day job and 4 kids so I can't really hold that against her) and then so many things were happening in our lives that I finally was able to sit down and get an order together with my mom and mother-in-law. I'm so excited to see them and have them hanging on my walls. We haven't had professional family pictures made since Beatle was 3.
I was reflecting back on pictures and the first professional pictures we had made when Beatle was 9 mos old, I dressed her just like a boy. She had no essence of girly-ness at all! I was inwardly totally offended when people remarked on what a cute boy she was when we were waiting to get them made at The Picture People. It was Christmas and I felt rushed to get them done. I knew that with my post-partum weight gain, I would be the hardest to clothe but inevitably waited until the last minute to figure out what I was going to wear and then built BR's and Beatle's outfits around mine. I was consumed with being match-y and Old Navy didn't have any hunter green dresses for girls so I got her a striped onesie, khakis, and converse looking shoes. I just grabbed what I could find literally minutes before our shoot. No bow, no frills, just boy clothes. We also had our dog in our pictures. Who are those people?!? I'm not all about the bows and frills now (I've just now started "playing" with Beatle's hair and teaching myself to French Braid or maybe it's just "Corrie Braid" because I could just be making up a new hairstyle) but I do try to let my girls look like little girls. Ha! And, definitely don't think I'll have a dog in my pictures ever again. I'm soooo ready to retire that old picture of us to the hallway and replace it with fresher version of the Roberts Fam. Some of our closest friends here didn't even recognize that was us! haha!
Well, I do have other things to blog about but it's late so I'll have to save it for another day! (I know you will all be waiting on pins and needles.) :)
I was reflecting back on pictures and the first professional pictures we had made when Beatle was 9 mos old, I dressed her just like a boy. She had no essence of girly-ness at all! I was inwardly totally offended when people remarked on what a cute boy she was when we were waiting to get them made at The Picture People. It was Christmas and I felt rushed to get them done. I knew that with my post-partum weight gain, I would be the hardest to clothe but inevitably waited until the last minute to figure out what I was going to wear and then built BR's and Beatle's outfits around mine. I was consumed with being match-y and Old Navy didn't have any hunter green dresses for girls so I got her a striped onesie, khakis, and converse looking shoes. I just grabbed what I could find literally minutes before our shoot. No bow, no frills, just boy clothes. We also had our dog in our pictures. Who are those people?!? I'm not all about the bows and frills now (I've just now started "playing" with Beatle's hair and teaching myself to French Braid or maybe it's just "Corrie Braid" because I could just be making up a new hairstyle) but I do try to let my girls look like little girls. Ha! And, definitely don't think I'll have a dog in my pictures ever again. I'm soooo ready to retire that old picture of us to the hallway and replace it with fresher version of the Roberts Fam. Some of our closest friends here didn't even recognize that was us! haha!
Well, I do have other things to blog about but it's late so I'll have to save it for another day! (I know you will all be waiting on pins and needles.) :)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Where the Deer and the Cantelope Graze...
Oh, I love a good rainy day! I feel a little like Carrie Bradshaw right now looking out the window, sipping coffee and writing on my laptop...that's where the similarities end though. :)
Yesterday, we got back from a wonderful houseboat vacation with my parents and sister and her boyfriend on the outstanding Lake Ouachita. It was a great time. I think the only thing we regretted was that it couldn't have been longer. Oh wait, and sunscreen! I wish I had applied sunscreen a little more generously but that's it. The girls both played hard and Beatle was in the water constantly. Birdie definitely upped her game when it came to food. She's so ready to move on to cereals, juice and other baby food. It was NOT okay that we were all eating and drinking and she couldn't.
Before we left with them, we had a Watermelon Party for Beatle and her two besties. She created the idea back in April and the three of them pestered the fire out of us about having it so we had to follow through. Beatle and I got really into it and made the watermelon invitations and made gift baskets for the two other families with things that represented summer to us. BR mowed and worked to get the yard looking good and we decorated. It was pretty bomb-diggitty. The plan was for the two families to come over around 7 for watermelon (of course) and homemade ice cream and stay until dusk. Heartache of the century: one of the families didn't show and when I called, their girls were in Dallas with grandparents. But we were soooo glad for the other family or it wouldn't have been a watermelon party at all! We still had a great time and the whole day when we were getting ready for it, I told Beatle how proud I was of her to have thought this whole thing up. In gym class that morning, she was talking about how we were going to get ready for the party that day and one of the other girls in the class said something like, "Oh B, that sounds like fun. I'll see if I can come." Beatle thought real quick on her feet when she said, "Well, we've already sent out invitations but if you like cantelope, we can have a Cantelope Party someday." That cracked me up! (We didn't know then that that girl could have totally stood in for the no-shows! Too bad!) After the party, Beatle told me that I "am a magical woman". :) Makes a mom feel good for hard work. She also, the day before, told me that I "am the queen of funny".
Have I blogged about running away? I think I touched on it before but that's her main threat these days if she's upset and I'm not a magical woman anymore. BR and I both have memories of "running away" around 6 or 7 years old. The thing is, we both lived in the country and we could "run away" with our parent watching from the window. Here in town, I'm not sure what to do. Lord knows, I don't want to her to go out that door without me. That's not an option so we'll have to get creative.
Foster Update: Still going to the meetings and getting our paperwork lined up. We have a date set for our home study at the end of July. Our house will probably be open around the time school starts in August but I'm learning quickly that you never know when you're working with DHS.
Yesterday, we got back from a wonderful houseboat vacation with my parents and sister and her boyfriend on the outstanding Lake Ouachita. It was a great time. I think the only thing we regretted was that it couldn't have been longer. Oh wait, and sunscreen! I wish I had applied sunscreen a little more generously but that's it. The girls both played hard and Beatle was in the water constantly. Birdie definitely upped her game when it came to food. She's so ready to move on to cereals, juice and other baby food. It was NOT okay that we were all eating and drinking and she couldn't.
Before we left with them, we had a Watermelon Party for Beatle and her two besties. She created the idea back in April and the three of them pestered the fire out of us about having it so we had to follow through. Beatle and I got really into it and made the watermelon invitations and made gift baskets for the two other families with things that represented summer to us. BR mowed and worked to get the yard looking good and we decorated. It was pretty bomb-diggitty. The plan was for the two families to come over around 7 for watermelon (of course) and homemade ice cream and stay until dusk. Heartache of the century: one of the families didn't show and when I called, their girls were in Dallas with grandparents. But we were soooo glad for the other family or it wouldn't have been a watermelon party at all! We still had a great time and the whole day when we were getting ready for it, I told Beatle how proud I was of her to have thought this whole thing up. In gym class that morning, she was talking about how we were going to get ready for the party that day and one of the other girls in the class said something like, "Oh B, that sounds like fun. I'll see if I can come." Beatle thought real quick on her feet when she said, "Well, we've already sent out invitations but if you like cantelope, we can have a Cantelope Party someday." That cracked me up! (We didn't know then that that girl could have totally stood in for the no-shows! Too bad!) After the party, Beatle told me that I "am a magical woman". :) Makes a mom feel good for hard work. She also, the day before, told me that I "am the queen of funny".
Have I blogged about running away? I think I touched on it before but that's her main threat these days if she's upset and I'm not a magical woman anymore. BR and I both have memories of "running away" around 6 or 7 years old. The thing is, we both lived in the country and we could "run away" with our parent watching from the window. Here in town, I'm not sure what to do. Lord knows, I don't want to her to go out that door without me. That's not an option so we'll have to get creative.
Foster Update: Still going to the meetings and getting our paperwork lined up. We have a date set for our home study at the end of July. Our house will probably be open around the time school starts in August but I'm learning quickly that you never know when you're working with DHS.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
VBS=Very Busy Schedule
Sooo many funny things but so little time! VBS is wrapping up. Whew! What a week that always is for us. It's been great though. The songs are cute, as usual, and nauseatingly catchy. There's one about a "Tumblebee" according to Beatle (tumbleweed to everyone else in the world). That's song's got a little line dancing out! It feels guilty to have that much fun in a Baptist sanctuary. :) In the song, there's a part that I felt a little self-conscious doing just because it's a little over the top. I didn't say anything to anyone but I just did miniature motions. This morning, Beatle brought up that she didn't like the same part I felt silly doing and said in a shaky, goofy, falsetto voice that when she was doing it, she was thinking, "Do-ooon't look a-aaat me bo-oooys." Then she said in her regular voice, "That's pitiful, ain't it?" (I love it when little kids say ain't occasionally.)
All marriage relationships are different and, when healthy, they all serve a purpose and work for different folks. BR and I (the jury's still out on how healthy it is!) don't function very well when we don't get time to communicate. We just need that time to chat and connect. In seminary, when life was so busy and stressful we'd have our Thursday Fight (at least that's what we started calling it once we realized the trend--not seeing each other long enough to have some quality time by Thursday=fussing about stupid things that don't really matter). Well, we were squabbling in the car this week and Beatle piped up (mind you, this part ISN'T healthy) and said, "Dad, I think it's funny that you are acting like a kid but you are supposed to be a...Children's...Minister." bahaha! I didn't say a word...just a silent, oh so sweet, victory for me.
Don't worry, she got me back earlier today when I had been snippy and she said, "Mom, I want to tell you something." I had a bad feeling about this and then she started telling me that their verse was "Treat others how you would like to be treated." And she expounded on this thought. She really likes to flirt with crossing the line, doesn't she?
I can't even remember what it was about now but yesterday she said that I ruined her life and then she told me later that she was really thinking about running away but decided against it. That's a first of many empty threats to run away, I suppose.
Another first was that one of Beatle's friends called my cell phone to ask me if she could come over and swim. Beatle and I were both floored! Wow! This starts at 5???
For the first time, Beatle has been openly expressing a little resentment toward Charlotte. Beatle's been restless and discontented (and contemplating running away). I asked her what she was feeling, "Frustrated? Mad? Sad? Angry?..." She quickly announced, "Jealous." She knew exactly what her feelings were. Don't worry, I'm reading Siblings without Rivalry. They may not always be great friends (I would love that though!) but hopefully they'll learn to work through their differences and Beatle was already doting on Birdie just a half hour after she made that announcement.
Birdie is very interested in what we are all eating these days. We're trying some cereal out and will work our way toward a sippy cup and baby food in these next few weeks.
Anyways, I obviously can't remember all of the funny stuff that's happened lately. Honestly, this week's been a bit of a blur.
All marriage relationships are different and, when healthy, they all serve a purpose and work for different folks. BR and I (the jury's still out on how healthy it is!) don't function very well when we don't get time to communicate. We just need that time to chat and connect. In seminary, when life was so busy and stressful we'd have our Thursday Fight (at least that's what we started calling it once we realized the trend--not seeing each other long enough to have some quality time by Thursday=fussing about stupid things that don't really matter). Well, we were squabbling in the car this week and Beatle piped up (mind you, this part ISN'T healthy) and said, "Dad, I think it's funny that you are acting like a kid but you are supposed to be a...Children's...Minister." bahaha! I didn't say a word...just a silent, oh so sweet, victory for me.
Don't worry, she got me back earlier today when I had been snippy and she said, "Mom, I want to tell you something." I had a bad feeling about this and then she started telling me that their verse was "Treat others how you would like to be treated." And she expounded on this thought. She really likes to flirt with crossing the line, doesn't she?
I can't even remember what it was about now but yesterday she said that I ruined her life and then she told me later that she was really thinking about running away but decided against it. That's a first of many empty threats to run away, I suppose.
Another first was that one of Beatle's friends called my cell phone to ask me if she could come over and swim. Beatle and I were both floored! Wow! This starts at 5???
For the first time, Beatle has been openly expressing a little resentment toward Charlotte. Beatle's been restless and discontented (and contemplating running away). I asked her what she was feeling, "Frustrated? Mad? Sad? Angry?..." She quickly announced, "Jealous." She knew exactly what her feelings were. Don't worry, I'm reading Siblings without Rivalry. They may not always be great friends (I would love that though!) but hopefully they'll learn to work through their differences and Beatle was already doting on Birdie just a half hour after she made that announcement.
Birdie is very interested in what we are all eating these days. We're trying some cereal out and will work our way toward a sippy cup and baby food in these next few weeks.
Anyways, I obviously can't remember all of the funny stuff that's happened lately. Honestly, this week's been a bit of a blur.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Blood, Sweat and Tears (there's been a lot of that at our house this weekend)
Today has been nutso but let's start with yesterday...
We went out to Pizza Hut last night and we were fixing to leave when Beatle was scrambling to get her crocs back on (she kicks her shoes off everywhere!) She said, "Oh my gosh, I almost forgot my shoes and then I'd be homeless." bahaha! I don't even know what to say after that. :)
Then, we went for ice cream. Oh yes, it was a big night for the Roberts family! :) I gave Birdie an opportunity to taste and she was hooked on the junk instantly. She'd start whining and vocalizing when I'd take a lick and then when I'd put it in front of her, she'd start flapping her arms and kicking her legs, breathing in and out really fast. Then, after I moved it back and forth a few times between us to verify that she was most definitely after my ice cream, I'd give her another "lick" and she'd blink her eyes wildly. It was so funny. I love this chubby, wubby baby stage where they are interested in the things around them.
We drove around looking at lake houses, getting dirty looks from old men in Mercedes Benzs who knew we were just lolligaging in their neighborhoods, when Beatle was so exhausted she fell asleep in the car. (We stayed up late the night before and we're trying to cut out naps during the day because she won't get them in Kindergarten.) We got them home and in bed and started a movie. About an hour into it, Beatle gets up and is clearly sleepwalking. It was hysterical. There's just something so funny about sleeptalkers and walkers. Trying really hard to stifle our laughter, we directed her back to her bed. Then, around 7 this morning, she came charging out of her room like a rhino--stomping and snorting. Brent and I just looked at her bewildered. She finally got it out that her nose was bleeding right as we realized what was going on. And boy, was it! It took until noon for it to fully stop. She was supposed to go to a birthday party at a play place that morning but there was just no way. Of course, she was terribly disappointed and I was too. BR was outside mowing and when he came in for something, Beatle was crying because she couldn't go to the party and Birdie was crying because she wanted a bottle. I welcomed him to "the place of wailing and gnashing of teeth". haha! (Later, I showed Beatle the scene from "Strange Brew" when his nose starts bleeding in court to cheer her up. It worked. She kept saying with tissues jammed up her nose, "Beauty, eh?")
About a half hour later, BR comes running in from mowing, acting like a person with mental illness. It took us both a little while to realize that he had run over a ground hornets nest and had gotten stung 3 times. We've got a plan to get those jack...ets back. Tonight, we wage war!
We went out to Pizza Hut last night and we were fixing to leave when Beatle was scrambling to get her crocs back on (she kicks her shoes off everywhere!) She said, "Oh my gosh, I almost forgot my shoes and then I'd be homeless." bahaha! I don't even know what to say after that. :)
Then, we went for ice cream. Oh yes, it was a big night for the Roberts family! :) I gave Birdie an opportunity to taste and she was hooked on the junk instantly. She'd start whining and vocalizing when I'd take a lick and then when I'd put it in front of her, she'd start flapping her arms and kicking her legs, breathing in and out really fast. Then, after I moved it back and forth a few times between us to verify that she was most definitely after my ice cream, I'd give her another "lick" and she'd blink her eyes wildly. It was so funny. I love this chubby, wubby baby stage where they are interested in the things around them.
We drove around looking at lake houses, getting dirty looks from old men in Mercedes Benzs who knew we were just lolligaging in their neighborhoods, when Beatle was so exhausted she fell asleep in the car. (We stayed up late the night before and we're trying to cut out naps during the day because she won't get them in Kindergarten.) We got them home and in bed and started a movie. About an hour into it, Beatle gets up and is clearly sleepwalking. It was hysterical. There's just something so funny about sleeptalkers and walkers. Trying really hard to stifle our laughter, we directed her back to her bed. Then, around 7 this morning, she came charging out of her room like a rhino--stomping and snorting. Brent and I just looked at her bewildered. She finally got it out that her nose was bleeding right as we realized what was going on. And boy, was it! It took until noon for it to fully stop. She was supposed to go to a birthday party at a play place that morning but there was just no way. Of course, she was terribly disappointed and I was too. BR was outside mowing and when he came in for something, Beatle was crying because she couldn't go to the party and Birdie was crying because she wanted a bottle. I welcomed him to "the place of wailing and gnashing of teeth". haha! (Later, I showed Beatle the scene from "Strange Brew" when his nose starts bleeding in court to cheer her up. It worked. She kept saying with tissues jammed up her nose, "Beauty, eh?")
About a half hour later, BR comes running in from mowing, acting like a person with mental illness. It took us both a little while to realize that he had run over a ground hornets nest and had gotten stung 3 times. We've got a plan to get those jack...ets back. Tonight, we wage war!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Even Christians have Butts
I have wonderful memories of going to Library programs growing up and park-hopping with my mom and sister in the summers. I want to give my daughters those warm, fuzzy memories too.
Yesterday, we went to the Library Reading Program Kick-off and I regret to say that I showed my butt a little. Understand that I chose to stay at home for many reasons and one of those was to open myself up to be able to minister to my family and others more freely. That can't happen if I'm openly pissed because I've got to get back in the same line another time because of miscommunication. But, it REALLY can't happen when I'm wearing a "Romans 10:9" shirt and my daughter is following me in around in a bright yellow "Jesus Approved" shirt. I was ashamed. It wasn't like I cussed, flipped tables, drew a fist back or anything but it definitely could have been handled with more grace. After I got back in line, it didn't take me long to be convicted. I asked God for forgiveness and I apologized to Beatle and explained when I was wrong. I also realized that by the nature of my husband's job, we do events all the time and it's darn near impossible to get all of the details right especially when the event is wide open to the public. I'm such a broken person and the only light I possess is God in me. And now, I'll probably be spending my whole summer trying to redeem myself at the library! (Once we did get going though, we did the most amazing tie-dye on an shirt for Beatle and onesie for Birdie! But because we were in the sun so long, Birdie got a little sunburn. I feel bad about that.)
I've written this entry over a few hours and hope it makes sense by this point. Being a working mom is hard for sure but I have been working like a dog since I've been home! :)
Yesterday, we went to the Library Reading Program Kick-off and I regret to say that I showed my butt a little. Understand that I chose to stay at home for many reasons and one of those was to open myself up to be able to minister to my family and others more freely. That can't happen if I'm openly pissed because I've got to get back in the same line another time because of miscommunication. But, it REALLY can't happen when I'm wearing a "Romans 10:9" shirt and my daughter is following me in around in a bright yellow "Jesus Approved" shirt. I was ashamed. It wasn't like I cussed, flipped tables, drew a fist back or anything but it definitely could have been handled with more grace. After I got back in line, it didn't take me long to be convicted. I asked God for forgiveness and I apologized to Beatle and explained when I was wrong. I also realized that by the nature of my husband's job, we do events all the time and it's darn near impossible to get all of the details right especially when the event is wide open to the public. I'm such a broken person and the only light I possess is God in me. And now, I'll probably be spending my whole summer trying to redeem myself at the library! (Once we did get going though, we did the most amazing tie-dye on an shirt for Beatle and onesie for Birdie! But because we were in the sun so long, Birdie got a little sunburn. I feel bad about that.)
I've written this entry over a few hours and hope it makes sense by this point. Being a working mom is hard for sure but I have been working like a dog since I've been home! :)
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Plum Mad
Last year, we found a plum tree in a commercial area by our neighborhood. We made plum jelly out of the ones we picked. The jelly tasted great but the consistency was more like a syrup so all year we've been excited to perfect our craft. We've done drive-bys to check the plum progress and they had reached perfection last weekend. We've been staying very busy in the evenings and since it's not really our property, we try to do the picking after business hours. :) Well, we couldn't wait any longer and even though Brent wasn't with us, the girls and I went a-pickin'. But, I was horrified to discover that someone else had beat us to it!!! How is this possible??? This was OUR tree! Ok, it really isn't but it felt like it was our secret plum tree. We got half as many plums as last year and I had to really stretch to make it happen. Well, we'll see how the jelly-ing goes. And next year, we're picking them all on Memorial Day weekend and beat that ruthless stranger to the plums!
It's that time of year again! Summer for some people is a relaxing time but for our family (mostly Brent!) it is a busy and all-consuming season. In his head, he has all sorts of details about camps, VBS, mission trips and upcoming fall programming rolling around. Thursday night, I asked him to get the steaks and put them on the grill for us and he opened our spice cabinet and just stood there looking intently. Ahhh, it's just one of the many tell-tale signs that summer is upon us.
Beatle and I had the most exquisite conversation about heaven yesterday; it's so nice to be able to linger lately and have heart-felt talks with her. Besides her being born, when her heart is fully ready to accept the Lord, that will be our proudest day in her little life. Can't wait!
As a type of bachelor party, BR and his close friends went fishing this weekend in OK so Beatle and I had girl's night. We picked plums (of course), swam at a friend's, came home, put Birdie down for the night, propped a tent up, made chocolate-covered strawberries (uh, yum!), and watched The Neverending Story. Afterward, we retired in my bed. It was definitely special!
It's that time of year again! Summer for some people is a relaxing time but for our family (mostly Brent!) it is a busy and all-consuming season. In his head, he has all sorts of details about camps, VBS, mission trips and upcoming fall programming rolling around. Thursday night, I asked him to get the steaks and put them on the grill for us and he opened our spice cabinet and just stood there looking intently. Ahhh, it's just one of the many tell-tale signs that summer is upon us.
Beatle and I had the most exquisite conversation about heaven yesterday; it's so nice to be able to linger lately and have heart-felt talks with her. Besides her being born, when her heart is fully ready to accept the Lord, that will be our proudest day in her little life. Can't wait!
As a type of bachelor party, BR and his close friends went fishing this weekend in OK so Beatle and I had girl's night. We picked plums (of course), swam at a friend's, came home, put Birdie down for the night, propped a tent up, made chocolate-covered strawberries (uh, yum!), and watched The Neverending Story. Afterward, we retired in my bed. It was definitely special!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Shot Shock
Staying at home the past two days has been wonderful! We've had such good times already and something interesting is happening; Beatle is being so much more affectionate to me. I never dreamed that would be a result of this change or that it would happen so quickly but it has and I'm soaking it up. She was a little thrown off when we went to church yesterday to work out and she saw the kids at the preschool playing on the playground. I don't know if she knew what to think yet.
If there has been one thing that's been exasperating, it would be that when Beatle knows we are going to do something, that's what I hear about all day. While I'm thankful for the enthusiasm, it can wear on me. I'm in the process of teaching her how to tell time. I think it could do nothing but help. (Sidenote: She was supposed to go to the Country Club and swim with some friends yesterday evening while we went to our foster meeting and we got word late in the afternoon that some little boy pooped in the pool and they shut it down for the day. Beatle collapsed into sobs, which she quickly got over, and announced that "That boy is rotten! He ruined everything!")
Tomorrow is Kindergarten Camp for Beatle. I really just think they are slapping a fancy name on a morning of screening. For a mom, it kind of feels like it's NFL draft day for my kid. I know I won't get the results until August but I can't help but think that the teachers are scoping out the kids and doing deals with each other to get the ones they want. (Amanda, am I just totally making this up or does this really happen?) Whether it's true or not, you can bet she will be dressed better than normally and her hair will be done (which only happens on the rarest of occasions). I've been trying to talk it up to her but what she doesn't know, ahem, didn't know was that after that, I have her appointment scheduled to get her "Kindergarten" shots. Both the girls are going to the doctor for shots. Yay me!
The last time she got a shot, she expressed to me that she didn't like the shock of it and wanted to be forewarned. I figured that tactic wouldn't make for a good experience either but I wanted to grant her her wish. The amount of time before the appointment, however, I wanted to be thoughtful about because I didn't want her to worry herself too much. Mainly, I just didn't want to hear about it all day for days on end.
This morning after working out, I was talking to breath-club-boy's mom (geez, I hope she never finds out about this blog! He's in just about every bloody post!) and told her, while the kids were off playing together, about my scheme--Kinder Camp in the A.M., Kinder shots in the P.M. We started talking about some other things and the kids had wandered back over when she said, "I'll be happy to watch Birdie while you take Beatle to the doctor tomorrow afternoon." And I said, "Oh, thank you but Birdie's going to get shots too." And it all came crumbling down around me. Beatle's head snapped up and she cried out, "I'm going to get shots tomorrow?!?!" The other mother's eyes were as wide as Beatle's when she mouthed, "I'm so sorry." It was fine. I was the one to give the game away. I had to deal with this. There have been tears in the last 12 hours and there will most definitely be more to come. I wasn't ready to tell her that early but she wanted to know in advance, now here's her chance to show me she's big. Also, there's a $5 bill for her too if she's brave (and I don't have to call BR to the doc's office for back-up!). What could have been a fun day tomorrow will unavoidably be clouded with dread. Bummer...
If there has been one thing that's been exasperating, it would be that when Beatle knows we are going to do something, that's what I hear about all day. While I'm thankful for the enthusiasm, it can wear on me. I'm in the process of teaching her how to tell time. I think it could do nothing but help. (Sidenote: She was supposed to go to the Country Club and swim with some friends yesterday evening while we went to our foster meeting and we got word late in the afternoon that some little boy pooped in the pool and they shut it down for the day. Beatle collapsed into sobs, which she quickly got over, and announced that "That boy is rotten! He ruined everything!")
Tomorrow is Kindergarten Camp for Beatle. I really just think they are slapping a fancy name on a morning of screening. For a mom, it kind of feels like it's NFL draft day for my kid. I know I won't get the results until August but I can't help but think that the teachers are scoping out the kids and doing deals with each other to get the ones they want. (Amanda, am I just totally making this up or does this really happen?) Whether it's true or not, you can bet she will be dressed better than normally and her hair will be done (which only happens on the rarest of occasions). I've been trying to talk it up to her but what she doesn't know, ahem, didn't know was that after that, I have her appointment scheduled to get her "Kindergarten" shots. Both the girls are going to the doctor for shots. Yay me!
The last time she got a shot, she expressed to me that she didn't like the shock of it and wanted to be forewarned. I figured that tactic wouldn't make for a good experience either but I wanted to grant her her wish. The amount of time before the appointment, however, I wanted to be thoughtful about because I didn't want her to worry herself too much. Mainly, I just didn't want to hear about it all day for days on end.
This morning after working out, I was talking to breath-club-boy's mom (geez, I hope she never finds out about this blog! He's in just about every bloody post!) and told her, while the kids were off playing together, about my scheme--Kinder Camp in the A.M., Kinder shots in the P.M. We started talking about some other things and the kids had wandered back over when she said, "I'll be happy to watch Birdie while you take Beatle to the doctor tomorrow afternoon." And I said, "Oh, thank you but Birdie's going to get shots too." And it all came crumbling down around me. Beatle's head snapped up and she cried out, "I'm going to get shots tomorrow?!?!" The other mother's eyes were as wide as Beatle's when she mouthed, "I'm so sorry." It was fine. I was the one to give the game away. I had to deal with this. There have been tears in the last 12 hours and there will most definitely be more to come. I wasn't ready to tell her that early but she wanted to know in advance, now here's her chance to show me she's big. Also, there's a $5 bill for her too if she's brave (and I don't have to call BR to the doc's office for back-up!). What could have been a fun day tomorrow will unavoidably be clouded with dread. Bummer...
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